


  • A woman completely devoted herself to her husband and child is worshipful but a woman can never lose herself !

    全心为夫为子的女人是 可敬的,但是女人千万不可没有了自我!

  • Marx economics has the worshipful and scientific character that is critical inheriting and extracting existent human civilization production carrying through the theory study on the foundation of economic facts developing and perfecting its own theory to follow the change of time .

    摘要马克思经济学具有 可贵的科学品格,即:批判地继承和吸取既有的人类文明成果;从经济事实出发进行理论研究;与时俱进地不断完善和发展自身理论。

  • Worshipful regard was a duty owed by the living to the dead .


  • Is the worshipful Governor Bellingham within ? inquired Hester .

    灵汉总督 大人在吗?海丝特问。

  • When people trade off love for money fame power someone sacrifices live for love should it be worshipful ?

    当人们为金钱,名誉,地位等牺牲爱情的时候,一些人为爱情牺牲自己的生命,应该说是 可敬还是 可悲

  • I had spent the better part of the night at the bedside of the worshipful Governor Winthrop doing what my poor skill might to give him ease .

    我在那 令人 崇敬 温斯洛普总督的床边呆了大半夜,尽拙技之能为他减轻痛苦。

  • It 's more like a shared relishing of the Italian language an almost worshipful ritual and we 're always offering each other new wonderful idioms .

    还不如说是共同玩味意大利语,一种近乎 崇拜的仪式,我们总是提供给对方奇妙的新短语。

  • On my life hester I made my entreaty to the worshipful magistrate that it might be done forthwith .

    我敢发誓,海丝特,我当即恳求那 可敬的长官,这事应予立即施行!

  • If the stars shone but once in a thousand years men would gaze awe-struck and worshipful on a vision which is not less but more wonderful because it shines nightly above the whole earth .

    如果星辰每一千年才照耀一次大地,人们将怀着敬畏尊崇的心情凝视那种美,而那种美景如果 夜夜在全世界的上空出现,不但不会 减损,反而更为增加它的奇妙。

  • When I regretting mother said to me : my son you are grown up it is very difficult and worshipful that you can see the world with your heart .

    妈妈听了我的话对我说:孩子,你长大了, 难能可贵的是你现在能用心去看这个世界了。

  • If the hussy stood up for judgment before us five that are now here in a knot together would she come off with such a sentence as the worshipful magistrates have awarded ?

    要是那个破靶站在眼下咱们这五个姐们儿跟前听候判决,她能够带着 那些 可敬的官 爷们赏给 她的判决溜过去吗?

  • I believe in the worshipful cultivation and enjoyment of the beauty in nature and art .

    我相信自然和艺术中的美丽 就是 值得 崇尚 文化

  • What say you worshipful Master Bellingham ?

    你怎么 尊敬的贝 灵汉老爷?

  • He would sometimes catch her large worshipful eyes that had no bottom to them looking at him from their depths as if she saw something immortal before her .

    他有时候也注意到她那双虔诚的大眼睛, 深不可测,正在从最深处看着他,仿佛她看见了自己面前不朽的神一样。

  • He wondered that they did not want to that they had been out having a good time instead of being with her that evening talking with her sitting around her in a worshipful and adoring circle .

    他不明白他们怎么会不想见她,那天晚上怎么会出去玩而没有在她身边围成一圈去跟她谈话,对 顶礼膜拜

  • It is of moment to her soul and therefore as the worshipful Governor says momentous to thine own in whose charge hers is .

    这是她灵魂的关键时刻,而正如 令人 崇敬的总督 大人所说,由于你对她的灵魂负有职责,因此,这对你自己的灵魂也 同样是关键时刻。

  • A man 's ideal woman is the one he passes with a worshipful bow-when he 's on his way to call on the other woman .

    男人心目中理想的女人,是当他在往访其他女性的半 上遇见 她的 时候惟恭惟敬地给她行礼的女人。

  • Voldemort raised his hand to silence her and she did not speak another word but eyed him in worshipful fascination .

    伏地魔举起一只手让她 做声,她 便不再说话,一 眼睛狂热而 崇拜 盯着伏地魔。

  • Through the analysis and compare the paper obtains the conclusions as follows : Specially speaking both China and Japan not only have the worshipful psychology but also think the numeral having the mysterious color .

    经过分析和比较得出了本文的结果如下:具体地说,中日两国都对数字有着 崇拜心理,认为数字具有神秘色彩。

  • He is completely free to do anything and everything for He is always my worshipful Lord unconditionally .

    喜欢怎样 便怎样,因为祂永远是我无条件 崇拜的主。