


v.使受伤,伤害( wound的过去式和过去分词 )使(心灵)受伤,伤感情缠绕( wind的过去式和过去分词 )卷绕

  • Granny cooked a chicken especially for the wounded soldier .

    老大娘特别为 伤员炖了一只鸡。

  • A Navy medic was wounded by sniper fire .

    一名海军卫生员被狙击手射 了。

  • The nurse always treated the sick and wounded with kindness .

    这位护士总是以 蔼然可亲的态度对待 病员。

  • The wounded man made a miraculous recovery .


  • He was wounded in the arm .

    他手臂 受伤

  • One American was killed and three were wounded in terrorist attacks .

    在几起恐怖袭击中,一名美国人遇难,三 受伤

  • Luckily he was not very seriously wounded .

    好在他 伤势不重。

  • Her sarcasm wounded his vanity .

    她挖苦的语言 刺伤了他的虚荣心。

  • In the most recent attack one man was shot dead and two others were wounded

    在最近的一次袭击中,一名男子遇袭身亡,另外两人 受伤

  • The wounded bird fluttered to the ground .

    那只 受伤的鸟扑着翅膀落到地上。

  • All those wounded were innocent victims

    所有 伤者都是无辜的受害人。

  • He got wounded in action .


  • Overnight a man died after being shot and wounded yesterday .

    昨天一名男子遭枪击 受伤,于夜间死亡。

  • My children have wounded me in the past .

    我的孩子们过去曾 伤害过我。

  • Seven people were wounded when soldiers fired rubber bullets to disperse crowds


  • He howled like a wounded animal as blood spurted from the gash

    当血从伤口中喷出时,他像一只 受伤的动物一样嚎叫起来。

  • The wounded soldier opened his eyes once but lost consciousness again immediately .

    那个 伤员睁了一下眼晴随即又昏了过去。

  • He was fatally wounded as he tried to escape .


  • He was deeply wounded by the treachery of close aides

    他被亲密助手的背叛深深地 伤害了。

  • Thousands of people battled with police and several were reportedly wounded

    数千人与警方发生冲突,据报道有数人在冲突中 受伤

  • The gun was fired and Beaton was wounded a second time

    枪响了,比顿再次 受伤

  • Though wounded he was still holding out .


  • 13 soldiers were killed and 10 wounded in action .

    战斗中有13名士兵阵亡,10 士兵 受伤

  • There was an exchange of fire during which the gunman was wounded

    有过交火,其间那名持枪歹徒 受伤了。

  • He was wounded by a stray bullet .

    他被流弹 击伤

  • His father had been badly wounded in the last war .

    在上次战争中,他的父亲 重伤

  • He was wounded in both legs and severely peppered with shrapnel

    他两条腿都 挂彩了, 也被如雨的弹片炸成重伤。

  • I think she feels desperately wounded and unloved at the moment .

    我想她此刻定会觉得受到了极大的 伤害,无人关爱。

  • The driver of an evacuation bus was wounded by shrapnel

    一辆疏散大巴的司机被弹片 炸伤