



  • The pool reflect her picturesque beauty in its adornment of flower and wreathe foliage

    在花和 树叶 构成的花环衬托 ,水池反映出她画般的美丽

  • Let us wreathe the flowers around a wire frame .

    让我们 在一个铁丝架上。

  • She likes to wreathe flowers into ornaments when she is free .

    她有时喜欢把花 成装饰物。

  • Fog wreathes the temples .

    雾气 笼罩 寺院。

  • The ship was wreathed in smoke


  • We have decided to wreathe flowers into ornaments for people 's doors at Christmas time .

    我们决定把花 成装饰物供人们在圣诞期间 在门上

  • In this article fragility of agricultural flood disaster in county is analyzed by the factors of the loss of natural environment and the lever of irrigation works density of population and income for every peasantry precipitation and rainstorm forest wreathe and soil and so on .

    文中详细地分析了水土流失与水利设施、人口密度与人均收入、汛期降水和暴雨、植被和土壤等因素对农业洪涝 易损性形成的作用。

  • The girls choose their flower wreathe themselves and dance in the twilight .

    女孩子们挑选了花朵, 花环 打扮自己,然后在黄昏时跳舞。

  • Its huge columns were wreathed with laurel and magnolia .

    其巨大的立柱为 月桂和木兰花所 环绕

  • Quietude is the crown of life . wreathe a poet 's brow with laurel

    桂冠 装饰诗人的额头;把桂冠戴在诗人的头上

  • The flower that wreathe his parlor stifle him with their sensuous perfume .

    包围 客厅的花以其刺激人的香味使他窒息。