World Peace Council


  • In 1958 the World Peace Council named Guan Han-qing the eminent person of world culture and then the world saw a lot of study on Guan and lots of Guan 's operas had been put on .

    1958年,关汉卿被 世界 和平 理事会提名为世界文化名人,学界以此为契机展开了大规模的研究及关氏的戏剧编演活动,取得了丰厚的成果。

  • For maintaing world peace China dispatched largest number of peacekeeping personnel among the permanent members of the United Nations Security Council .

    说到其他 领域,中国是联合国 安理会常任理事国中派出 维和人数最多的国家。

  • QuYuan was among the four cultural giants the World Peace Council in1957 called on the whole world to commemorate .

    屈原是 世界 和平 理事会于1957年呼吁全世界予以纪念的四大文学巨匠之一。

  • Presidential Committee of the World Peace Council

    世界 和平 理事会主席团