work function

[wɚk ˈfʌŋkʃən][wə:k ˈfʌŋkʃən]


  • It is a work function .

    这是 工作 需要

  • When we talked about the photoelectric effect that was called the work function .

    如果我们在研究光电效应,这被称为 函数

  • We have made a novel instrument for the measurement of work function using contact potential difference method .

    利用接触势差法自行设计开发了一种新型的表面 函数测试装置。

  • This is attributed to the transfer of the electrons at the interface between the TiO2 and substrates and the difference of work function determines the depth of the transfer of the electrons .

    这归因于基底材料与TiO2的 函数不同,导致了界面电子的转移, 函数差决定了电子转移的深度。

  • Interaction of oxygen with Ag and Ag-Pd alloy by work function measurement


  • Self-deprecating humor can get laughs but avoid it at a work function ;

    自我贬损的幽默能让人们发笑,但是在 工作 场合应加以避免;

  • In this paper the necessity of concentrate desliming was explained and the work function of magnetic cone for desliming and its application in Taochong Mining Company were introduced .

    说明了桃冲矿业公司精矿脱泥的必要性,介绍了磁力脱泥斗的 工作 原理及其在桃冲矿业公司精矿脱泥中的应用状况。

  • Text discuss the work function of supervise engineer by three side of quality and cost and schedule .

    从质量、费用和进度这三方面来论述监理工程师的 工作 职责

  • A new method of calculating atomic radius and work function of metals

    计算金属原子半径和 函数的新方法

  • In the discharge process the ions can clean and activate the surfaces of cathodes which can reduce the work function of the electrodes and improve the discharge tubes ' emission capability and stability .

    在放电过程中,阴极表面有离子的清洗和活化 作用,可以使电极逸出 降低,提高放电管的放射能力和稳定性。

  • Work function of any material significantly affects its thermal electron emission and field emission .

    材料的 函数对其热电子发射或场电子发射都有决定性的影响。

  • I repeat : A work function .

    重复一遍: 工作 需要

  • The field emission properties were studied and the work function actual emission area and density of emission spot were calculated .

    并且研究了非晶碳薄膜的场发射特性,计算了薄膜的 函数、实际发射面积和发射点密度。

  • First-principles study of the adsorption energy and work function of oxygen adsorption on Ni ( 111 ) surface

    第一性原理研究氧在Ni(111)表面上的吸附能及 函数

  • Study the Modulator Approaches of Work Function of Semiconductor Material with Nanostructure by Built-in Electric Field

    内建电场对纳结构半导体材料 函数调制研究

  • We also have a variety of other programs based on each work function .

    我们还针对各个 职能 安排了多种多样的课程。

  • First-principles Study of the Work Function of Metal Gate

    金属栅电极 函数的第一性原理研究

  • The idea of adjusting the cohesive force between polar plate and dust is put forwards from the perspective of dust polarization theory and polar plate electronic work function .

    总结大量国外研究成果,指出影响除尘器效果的最主要因素是粉体的粘结力,提出了从粉体极化理论和极板电子 逸出 角度考虑来调节极板和粉体间的粘结力的想法。

  • The aspirating mechanism of vacuum generator and the factor that influences its work function has been analyzed and the methods to raise the inhalation flow ate of vacuum generator has been introduced .

    对真空发生器的抽吸机理和影响其 工作 性能的因素进行了分析研究,并介绍了提高真空发生器吸入流量的方法。

  • This brake system not only has braking function and also has balancing slider weight and increasing smooth work function .

    该制动器不仅具有制动功能而且还可起到平衡滑块等部件重量,提高运动平稳性的 作用

  • Provide under system this call transfer application to meet the need of scheme and the whole system perfect and improved work function finally .

    最后给出了在此系统下呼叫转接应用 功能的实现方案及整个系统需要完善和改进的 工作

  • Work Function Measurement and Studies of Cs Na Yb and Other Metals With Solid Ammonia

    铯钠镱和其它金属与固体氨 函数的测量和研究

  • The improvement field emission by Hf coating on CNTs surface is attributed to the low work function chemical inertness and good conductivity of HfC .

    我们认为碳纳米管表面发射 性能的提高归功于表面碳化铪膜良好的导电性、学惰性和低逸出

  • Study of the effective work function difference and interface characteristics of al / sio_xn_y / si system

    Al-SiOxNy-Si系统有效 函数差和界面特性的研究

  • This paper discusses experimentally and theoretically the influence of work function on the field emission stability for Ta top .

    从理论和实验上研究了材料 函数对场致发射稳定性的影响。

  • This paper introduces the constitution and work function of the test control system based on VB makes the equipments acquire the good work result and satisfies the demand of teaching and scientific research pass in the large equipments alteration to the software design proceeding effectively .

    介绍了基于VB开发的试验控制系统的组成及 工作 性能。通过在大型设备的改造工作中对软件进行有效的设计,使设备获得良好的工作效果和更好地满足教学和科研工作的要求。

  • The first is to renew planning idea transform work function and do five matters well ;

    一是更新计划观念,转变 工作 职能,抓好五件大事;

  • This system can measure the work function precisely accurately and quickly in atmosphere .

    该系统可在空气中快速、准确测量表面 函数

  • Then we study the influence of the waste rock flour and its compound mineral admixtures to the e concrete work function and impervious function ; finally we put forward the key technique that using the waste rock flour prepares the high performance concrete .

    研究了废弃石粉及其复合矿物掺合料对混凝土 工作 性能和抗渗性能的影响,提出了利用废弃石粉制备高性能混凝土的关键技术。

  • Establishment and Application of New Measurement System for Work Function

    新型 函数测量系统的建立及其应用研究