work flow

[wɚk flo][wə:k fləu]


  • With the network technology trade official its work flow the Witkey website operators of a big problem .

    而随着网络技能交易的正式化,其 工作 流程成了威客网站运营商的一个大难题。

  • This is terrible for our productivity because email diminishes peak performance and disrupts our work flow .

    对于我们的工作效率来说,这非常糟糕,因为电子邮件会干扰最佳状态,破坏我们的 工作流

  • Don 't let blinking icons and pop-ups disrupt your work flow .

    不要让闪烁的图标和弹出的窗口打断你的 工作 流程

  • Employees need to know it 's OK to discuss different opinions about core work duties and work flow respectfully .

    员工需要了解对核心工作责任和 工作 流程的不同观点进行客气的讨论是可以的。

  • In this system the task-oriented management is fulfilled by taking advantage of light-duty work flow engine based on database .

    该系统利用基于数据库的轻量级 工作流引擎实现了任务管理。

  • Solution for creating Business Process diagrams including flowcharts and work flow diagrams .

    创建业务流程图的解决方案,包括流程图和 工作 流程图。

  • This book offers from object-oriented design to Java application system design is quite complete work flow and practicable .

    本书提供了从面向对象设计到Java应用系统设计相当完整的 工作 流程,具有很强的实用性。

  • Set up organize r d plan system work flow moreover implement check control .

    参与制定和组织研发计划、制度和 工作 流程,并组织实施、检查、监督和控制。

  • We have enabled a full release work flow to produce builds and releases straight from the CodePlex projects .

    我们启动了一个完整的发布 流程,可以从CodePlex项目中直接进行构建并发布。

  • Improves manufacturing efficiency by analyzing and planning work flow space requirements and equipment layout .

    分析和规划 加工 流程、车间规划及设备布局,提高生产效率;

  • Collaboration : This is indispensable in a team environment so you need work flow and version control .

    协作性(Collaboration):这是在开发小组环境中必不可少的部分,因此您需要 工作流和版本控制。

  • Finally in order to supporting the project management modeling of2 modules ( work flow management and user management ) is realized and part of functions of2 modules are realized .

    最后为了对项目管理入行支持,本文完成了 工作流管理和用户管理两个模块的建模,并实现了这两个模块的部门功能。

  • The definition and work flow of reverse engineering are introduced .

    介绍了反求工程的含义及 工作 流程

  • Types are composed of fields a form and work flow .

    类型包括字段、表单和 工作流

  • Work Flow in Industry and Commerce Administration Information System


  • What I have done is I am taking inputs and invoking the work flow methods accordingly .

    我所做的一切,我正在投入,并调用相应的 工作 流程的方法。

  • Has familiared with the administrative work flow and has cultivated the spirit of team cooperation and good interpersonal ability .

    熟悉了行政 工作 流程并培养了团队合作的精神及良好的待人接物能力。

  • Application Technology of Distributed Control System Based on Work Flow

    基于 工作 过程的《集散控制系统应用技术》课程改革与探索

  • I want to know my work flow work responsibility the company can provide training and welfare .

    我想了解我这个职位的 工作 流程,工作职责,公司可以提供的培训及福利。

  • Fusion is used extensively in the reconcile work flow for MDD .

    融合广泛地应用于MDD中调整 工作 流程

  • This paper introduces the construction technique and work flow of foundation template of ZHJL5552D coke oven and analyzes the economic benefit .

    详细介绍了ZHJL5552D型焦炉基础模板施工的工艺及 流程,并对其经济效益进行了分析。

  • The above is the work flow that the network marketing workers should understand .

    以上是一个网络营销工作者应该要懂的 工作 流程

  • In order to improve the security and consistency of alignment design indicators of expressway the work flow of alignment design consistency based on operating speed is put forward .

    为提高高速公路路线设计指标的安全性和一致性,提出了具体的基于运行车速的路线一致性设计 流程

  • Analyze the work flow process identifying the output activities and inputs in the production of a product or service .

    对一个 工作 流程进行分析,确认处在某种产品或服务的生产或提供过程中,产出,活动以及投入分别是什么。

  • The frame construction the work flow and the three dimensional modelling method of pneumatic rock drill based on virtual prototype technology were elaborated .

    阐述了气动凿岩机虚拟样机设计的框架结构、 工作 流程和三维模型构建方法,并在此基础上进行了参数化设计与运动仿真的研究。

  • Do the changes impact the visual design or the usability and work flow of the form ?

    更改是否会影响窗体的视觉效果、易用性和 工作流

  • Dispatch the order to the company â™ s order processing department â™ s work flow .

    将订单分配到公司订单处理部门的 工作流

  • Each numbered scenario covers a work flow within an enterprise .

    每一个方案都涉及到了企业内的 工作 流程

  • Before long the informal organization will catch on to the new work flow .

    不用多久,非正式的组织将适应新的 工作 流程

  • The system architecture and system work flow chat were designed .

    设计了系统架构和系统 工作 流程