work fare

[wɚk fɛr][wə:k fɛə]

[经] 工作福利

  • If Ti had the courage to ditch its score-card or at least publish it in a less misleading form its other work might fare better .

    如果透明国际有勇气抛弃这块记分牌,或者至少是以一种误导性较小的方式加以发布的话,该组织其他 工作的进展或许就将更加 顺利

  • The study seems to suggest that hard work can even enhance our appreciation for fare we might not favour such as the low-fat low calorie variety .

    这项研究似乎表明,我们可能会更加珍惜努力 劳动换取的 食物,即使是那些我们并不喜欢的食物,如低脂肪、低热量食品。

  • Working seven days a week to pay for his education she walks home from work so exhausted she can hardly make it but the walk saves a bus fare .

    她唯一的孩子在上大学,为了支持孩子的学业,那位妇女一周七天都走着上 下班,虽然很累,但是她一直坚持,就是为了省公交车