work cycle

[wɚk ˈsaɪkəl][wə:k ˈsaikl]


  • Labor cost can be saved by modulating the manner of employment and work cycle .

    通过调整用工方式、 雇佣 时间等的成本结构来节约人力资源成本。

  • After that do the modal analysis . In the whole work cycle find previous order and its corresponding mode shape of vibration forms .

    然后再进行模态分析,得到在整个 工作 周期内前十阶自振频率及其对应的振动形式。

  • As one of the important parts of the car engine valve mechanism plays a decisive role in the work cycle of the engine .

    配气机构作为汽车发动机的重要部件之一在发动机 工作 过程中起着决定性作用。

  • Its restrict conditions include system work cycle communication protocol restriction communication format assumption multi-byte data and bit sign .

    其约束条件包括系统 工作 周期、通信协议约束、通信格式约定、多字节数据及位标记。

  • Mature ways like estimating workload and work cycle principles of earned value and WBS are introduced into the frame which make clear the operations in all links .

    框架内使用了成熟的 工作量估算、 周期估算、赢得值原理、WBS原理等技术方法,明确了每个环节的操作步骤。

  • They travel to work by cycle or on foot as authorities trust them enough not to need a security escort .

    他们 骑车或步行 上班,因为官方表示足够信任他们不需要押送。

  • Mobile phone software development project is a brain-intensive high-tech fields has many other companies do not have the features : high quality long work cycle knowledge cycle short work hard to process and so on .

    手机软件研发项目,是一个脑力密集型的高科技领域,具有很多其它公司所不具备的特点:人员素质高、 工作成果 周期长、知识周期短、工作过程难以流程化等。

  • The PLC control flowchart and I / O distribution diagram of the machine 's work cycle are also presented .

    给出了冲孔系统 工作 循环的PLC控制流程框图及PLC的I/O点分配图。

  • In this paper we developed a capacitive multi-pulse ignition system which can ignite several times in one engine work cycle .

    本文开发了一套电容式多脉冲点火系统,实现在发动机一个 工作 循环内火花塞连续多次点火。

  • The paper presents the work cycle and velocity election of a vertical broacher controled with single chip microcomputer 8031.The compo - sition of electrohydraulic system 、 hardware 、 soft - ware and PWM comtrol are also described which system is simplified by the method .

    本文介绍了用8031单片机控制立式拉床的 工作 循环和速度选择等。并阐述了电液系统的构成、硬件、软件以及PWM控制。

  • A math model of the sub structure level is built to calculate the work cycle .

    为设计计算 工作 循环,建立了该模型结构子层的数学模型。

  • The paper introduced the technical parameters basic structure and work cycle of each subsystem of air compressor with the aim to improve the operation level of workers .

    文中介绍了空压机的有关技术参数和基本结构、各子系统 工作 循环,以便提高工作人员对空压机的操作水平。

  • And thus begins the smart-people work cycle .

    聪明人的 工作 周期由此开始。

  • With analysis of the way of pills inspection an integrated work cycle mode was given out .

    通过对丸药实时检测方法和途径的分析探讨,提出了完整的 工作 循环模式。

  • Application of PDCA work cycle theory in health education for patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus

    PDCA 工作 循环理论在2型糖尿病病人健康教育中的应用

  • Shift employees on a28 day rotational work cycle are required to work according to their shifts during official holidays .

    实行实行 28/28轮休的员工需要根据他们在法定节假日期间的轮休工作。

  • My autumn work cycle kicked off on Sunday evening with a gentle jolt as I made the trek out to Heathrow to board a flight to Hong Kong .

    我的秋季 工作 周期于上个星期天晚上在一阵温柔的颠簸中开始了。拖着大包小包的我来到希思罗机场,登上飞往香港的航班。

  • Theoretical analysis of air powered engine work cycle

    气动汽车发动机 工作 循环的理论分析

  • The block stress was calculated by finite element method and fatigue strength of the whole block was analyzed based on dynamic load data of the block components covering a work cycle which were extracted from the result of multi-body dynamics calculation .

    从曲轴机体耦合的动力学计算结果中提取出机体组一个 工作 循环的动载结果,结合有限元技术,完成机体强度计算,并分析整个机体的疲劳强度。

  • The inorganic mortar because of its slowly solidifies and long work cycle generally needs acidified processing before using so it brings a difficult work and the poor guarantee quality .

    无机胶泥由于固化慢、 施工 周期长,而且在使用前一般需要进行酸化处理,因此,无机胶泥的施工难度大,质量难以保证。

  • What disrupts this generational work cycle on a massive scale ?

    是什么大规模地扰乱了这种一代接一代的 工作 循环

  • Compared with the theoretical fatigue life of helical gear shaft and the social work cycle and check the correctness of calculation method .

    将理论计算的疲劳寿命同斜齿轮轴疲劳断裂的实际 工作 周期相比较,验证该计算的准确性。

  • In the lead-acid battery production process formation costs the longest work cycle the highest equipment investment the largest workshop among most working procedures .

    在铅酸蓄电池生产过程中,化成是 生产 周期最长、设备投入最大、厂房占用面积最多的工序。

  • The drill will return to the original location with a multiple traction speed after the completion of work cycle .

    在完成一个打坑 工作 循环后钻头再快速返回到原始预设位置。

  • This software is a practical software it can not only reduce the cost of enterprise reduces the work cycle and can satisfy the needs of users demand .

    此软件是一个实用性软件,它不但可以降低企业成本,缩短 办公 周期,而且能够最大限度满足用户需求。

  • That work on the cycle has given me an appetite .

    自行车 锻炼使我有了食欲。