with might and main

[wɪð maɪt ənd men][wið mait ænd mein]


  • Tom struggled with might and main to move the stone .

    汤姆 竭尽全力地搬动那块石头。

  • Mary tried with all her might and main to solve the problem .

    玛丽 绞尽脑汁想解答这个问题。

  • They shouted with might and main but nobody came to rescue them .

    他们竭尽全力地 但没有人来救他们。

  • - ' continued Walter apostrophizing an old gentleman with a powdered head ( inaudibly to him of course ) who was staring at a ship 's telescope with all his might and main .

    沃尔特继续说道,一边向一位头上撒了白粉的老先生喊道(他当然听不见) 先生正在 聚精会神地注视着一架船上 的望远镜。

  • We will work with might and main as long as we live .

    我们只要活着 拼命

  • Everybody rowed with might and main and soon we got into the safe waters .

    大家 拼命地划,很快就到了安全水域。

  • They hauled in the rope with might and main .

    他们 拼命抓住那绳子。

  • She fought with the feeling might and main for she believed in common-sense .

    尽力 控制住自己的感情 因为她相信常识。

  • The soldiers fought with might and main .

    战士们 全力以赴地战斗。

  • He pushed and pulled with all his might and main but the door remained firmly closed .

    他拼命 使劲 推又拉 但是那扇门依然关得紧紧的。

  • Any sage politician would strive with might and main to avoid it .

    任何贤明的政治家都会 全力避免它。