with persistence

[wɪð pɚˈsɪstəns][wið pəˈsɪstəns]


  • Based on the pulse response function ARMA model we measure method to our country the output data carried on the real diagnosis analysis get : the impact of reform and opening up in China to the output of the before and after all the influence of with persistence .

    基于ARMA模型的脉冲反应函数的测度方法对我国的产出数据进行实证分析得到:冲击对改革开放前后我国的产出均 具有 持久 的影响。

  • The levels of serum NSE were irrespective with age and sexuality ( P > 0 05 ) but there were close relationships with persistence time of symptom and responsibility nidus of CT .

    血清NSE增高与年龄、性别之间无统计学上的相关性(P>005), 症状 持续时间及头颅CT阳性责任病灶之间的关系密切(P<001)。

  • In theory and often in practice any manipulation on a persistent object requires the instantiation of the object its manipulation and its synchronization with persistence storage .

    理论上,以及在许多实际案例中,对于持久对象的操作需要实例化该对象,对其进行操作,以及 持久 存储器保持同步。

  • In LED lighting system vehicle according to the working characteristic of LED LED drive mechanism with persistence flow and has high efficiency high performance and protection function temperature control was needed .

    在车用LED照明系统中,根据LED的工作特性,需要 有恒流控制,且具有高效率、高性能的超高亮度LED驱动机制。

  • Persistent Organic Pollutants ( POPs ) with persistence bioaccumulation semi-volatility and highly toxic properties have been found in various environmental media on a global scale which can be enriched and accumulated in biota and human body along food chain .

    持久性有机污染物(POPs) 具有 持久 、生物蓄积性、半挥发性和高毒性等特性,已在全球各环境介质广泛存在,并沿食物链富集于生物体以及人体内。

  • However patients with CD in remission fare much better than those with persistence of hypercortisolism and they appear not to have an increased mortality rate .

    然而,随着库欣病患者缓解,预后明显要比 持续高皮质醇血症 患者要好,他们似乎死亡率没有增加。

  • And the lynx pursue roe deer with great persistence .

    大山猫 持续地追捕 獐鹿。

  • The 16th congress put forward that with persistence information-based to drive industrialization and the industrialization to promote information-based our country will walk a new industrialization road .

    党的十六大报告中提出, 坚持 信息化带动工业化,以工业化促进信息化,走一条新型工业化道路。

  • To others the situation seemed intolerable but with persistence she worried through . It was an inspiration to be there and to soak up the incredible perseverance and creativity of these two men .

    在别人看来,这种处境是无法忍受的。可是她却 坚忍不拔的 毅力熬过去了。到那个地方去亲身体会他们坚忍不拔的毅力和创造力,给我很大的启发。

  • In comprehensive consideration of the result of in vitro and in vivo test it was suggested that agrochemicals without or with little in vitro activity and with persistence and wide spectrum of pathogens control on pot test were possibly the plant SAR activators .

    通过离体活性与盆栽效果综合分析,若无离体活性或离体活性较弱,但盆栽药效 持久广谱效果的药物,即有可能 具有SAR激活剂作用。

  • With the persistence and application layer migrated you can now turn your attention to the remaining Web layer .

    迁移 持久 层和应用层之后,现在您可以将注意力转向其余Web层了。

  • However with persistence and a never-say-die attitude you will probably experience success faster than others .

    但是, 随着 执着和永不说死态度,你可能会比别人快的成功经验。

  • Hydrolysis of pesticides had close relationships with persistence of pesticides in the environments and was both one of the important factors influencing the fate of pesticides in environments and important index for assessing pesticides residue persistence in aqueous systems .

    农药的水降解 与其在环境中的 持久 是密切相关的,它是影响农药在环境中的归宿机制的重要依据之一,也是评价农药在水体中残留特性的重要指标。

  • With container-managed persistence when an entity bean is created its information is saved in the database .

    创建一个实体bean时,容器管理的 持久 会将其信息保存在数据库中。

  • Strengthening profession management with persistence

    加强行业管理, 贵在 坚持 一贯

  • A data model for instance is mostly concerned with the persistence of data ( object state ) and its structure .

    比如,数据模型总是 持久数据(对象状态)以及它的结构有关。

  • The principle of combining government 's investment with social participation shall be adopted with persistence in developing old-age care institutions .

    发展养老机构 坚持政府投入和社会参与相结合的原则。

  • If you carry out these instructions with persistence and intelligence and use discrimination in the selection of your master mind group your objective will have been half-way reached even before you begin to recognize it .

    如果你 持之以恒,明智地遵照这些建议的说明从事,再慎选智囊团小组,那么,即使你还未指认出自己的目标何在,目标也已达成一半了。

  • The Business Logic Layer in turn requests that the Data Access Layer deal with data persistence .

    而业务逻辑层则请求数据访问层 处理数据 持久

  • Belief in one 's ability to carry out a plan encourages one to follow the plan through with persistence .

    相信自己有能力执行计划,可以鼓舞一个人坚持计划不 放弃

  • JPA prescribes that object relationships be decorated with persistence qualities .

    JPA规定对象关系是 持久 特性装饰的。

  • Along with persistence UAS have other potential advantages over manned aircraft .

    除了 耐久 ,UAS较人工飞行器还有其他潜在优势。

  • And now onwards until the real last hour aspire with persistence to receive the most you can from life that is of value develop your intuition .

    现在往前看,直到真正的最后一小时之前,立 志愿,要 持续地尽你所能去接收生活中有价值的东西,去发展你的直觉。

  • Have a plan follow it with persistence and enjoy being where you sincerely choose to be .


  • Both Martin Eden and Willy Loman are fascinated by the Dream pursuing success and happiness with persistence .

    两部作品中的主人公马丁·伊登和威利·罗曼都对美国梦心驰神往, 执着地追求成功与幸福生活。

  • Take on difficulties with persistence and patience .


  • PCBs are semi-volatile organochlorine compounds with persistence toxicities and bio-accumulative properties .

    PCBs为半挥发性的有机氯化合物, 具有 持久 、生物毒性、生物累积性等特性。

  • The integration with Java Persistence and the way it generates the database schema will be much the same : just replace the words'form input'with'column ' .

    Java Persistence进行集成,和生成数据库Schema的方式大部分都将是相同的:仅仅用“列”替换“表单输入”就可以了。

  • You interact with a persistence context that lets you execute data access operations against a relational database .

    允许您对关系数据库执行数据访问操作的 持久上下文交互。

  • Analysis of capital asset pricing model with persistence in variance

    存在方差 持续 的资本资产定价模型分析