with one accord

[wɪð wʌn əˈkɔrd][wið wʌn əˈkɔ:d]

全体一致, 一致地

  • The government signed the peace agreement with one rebel group last May but other rebels rejected the accord as inadequate and the conflict escalated .

    目前苏丹政府已经 反对派签署了和平协议,但是遭到了其他反对派的反对,他们认为这个 协议不够充分。现在冲突在继续升级。

  • They praised Tom with one accord .

    他们 异口同声地表扬汤姆。

  • With one accord they turned and walked back over the grass .

    他们 步调一致 转身走过草坪。

  • With one accord they stood up to cheer him .

    他们起立, 一致为他欢呼。

  • A row of faces turned our way with one accord .

    一排 齐刷刷地把脸转向我们这边。

  • Rom.15:6 That with one accord you may with one mouth glorify the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ .

    罗十五6使你们 同心合意同一的口,荣耀我们主耶稣基督的神与父。

  • With one accord we all stood up and cheered when Chris appeared .

    当葱出现的时候,我们全体 一致起立欢呼。

  • And they continuing daily with one accord in the temple and breaking bread from house to house did eat their meat with gladness and singleness of heart

    他们天天 同心合意,恒切的在殿里且在家中擘饼,存着欢喜诚实的心用饭

  • They protested with one accord that they had not used any drug .

    他们 异口同声地申明他们没有服用毒品。

  • With one accord they all stood up and cheered .

    他们全体 一致起立欢呼。

  • The club members voted with one accord to raise the dues .

    俱乐部成员 一致 通过决议提高会费。

  • 4 these all continued steadfastly with one accord in prayer together with the women and Mary the mother of jesus and with his brothers .

    4这些人 著几个妇人,和耶稣的母亲马利亚,并耶稣的兄弟,都 同心合意,坚定持续地祷告。

  • If God 's children will agree with one accord to wait for the promise of the Father each day there is no limit to what God will do for them .

    若上帝的儿女们肯每天来到祂的面前, 同心等候祂的应许,上帝能力的供应是无限无量的。

  • It was shown that the mixing effect was improved greatly and the catalyst attrition could decrease to some degree in the TMP reactor presently used compared with the original one which was in accord with practical situation in industrial production .

    结果表明,现用反应器 以前的反应器相比,混合效果有很大提高,催化剂的磨损也有很大的减少,这与工业实际情况 相符

  • With one accord they shouted their approval .

    他们 一致发出 赞同的呼声。

  • With one accord the delegates walked out of the conference .

    代表们 一致离开会场。

  • On the bank were sitting a number of frogs who when they heard the noise of the hares as they ran with one accord leaped into the water and hid themselves in the depths .

    在池塘的岸边坐着一排青蛙,当听到兔子跑来的声音时,他们 一窝蜂地跳到水中藏了起来。

  • The boys with one accord looked away from Old Pierre to the red church on the hill with the gold cross flaming on its steeple .

    男孩子们 一致地把目光从比尔老汉身上移到山上红教堂,那尖塔上的金色十字架发出火红的亮光。

  • The teachers praised him with one accord .

    老师们 异口同声地称赞他。

  • And when the day of Pentecost was fully come they were all with one accord in one place .

    节到了,门徒 聚集在一处。