within the limits of


  • She has to work within the limits of a fairly tight budget

    她不得不 相当紧张的预算 范围 精打细算。

  • The placement of Saturn in the birth chart symbolizes how we can most effectively work within the limits of reality in order to achieve what is possible in a given lifetime .

    土星在出生图的位置上,代表了我们 限制 现实中,以最有效率地达成 有限生命的可能性。

  • Within the limits of relevant legal provisions a party may leave a deposit with the other party .

    (三)当事人一方 法律规定 范围 可以向对方给付定金。

  • For within the limits of nature even wherever there is organic life this category is obviously inadequate .

    自然 ,把 这些 范畴应用于有机生命方面,也是显然不够用的。

  • Within the limits of the Constitution each state must recognize and respect the laws of the others .

    宪法所规定 范围的,每个州都应认可且尊重其他州的法律。

  • He was going to enjoy life within the limits of the discipline that he imposed and worked hard .

    他一心实行自己 规定 生活准则和努力工作的要求。

  • Each country should develop and pursue its own programme within the limits of national resources .

    每个国家都应该 国家资源 限度 开发和从事自己的项目。

  • Rage drakes do not speak but they understand Common and Draconic within the limits of their intelligence .

    狂暴龙兽不会言语,但凭着它们 有限 智力可以理解通用语和龙

  • They did well within the limits of their knowledge .

    由于知识 ,他们已经做得很好了。

  • A normal action is one which falls well within the limits of expected behavior for a particular society .

    对特定的社会而言,正常行为是特定社会预期 范围 之内的行为。

  • The number and variety of professions and occupations carried on within the limits of a community would seem to be one measure of its competency .

    社区 范围 职业的数量和种类似乎是它的效能的尺度之一。

  • Within the limits of experimental error this was equal to the measured speed of propagation of light .

    实验误差 范围 ,这数值等于光的传播速度的测量值。

  • Recovery pertains to the extraction efficiency of an analytical method within the limits of variability .

    回收率与分析方法可变 限度的萃取效率有关。

  • Do within the limits of what the teacher has asked you to do .

    老师 你们说的去做。

  • The problems of applying that system within the limits of a weekly two-hour meeting .

    关于 每周两小时的会议 范围 施行这个制度的种种问题。

  • Keep within the limits of the national economic strength .

    控制 国民经济可以承受 范围 之内

  • Under the direct supervision of the Cost Supervisor and within the limits of InterContinental Hotels Group policies and procedures is responsible for storing and organizing of all stored materials .

    根据洲际酒店集团的政策和程序, 成本 控制 主管的直接管理下工作,负责存储和组织所有库存的物品。

  • With the transfer of the ownership of the above-ground buildings and other attached objects by the land users the right to the use of the land within the limits of use of the said buildings and objects shall be transferred accordingly with the exception of the movables .

    土地使用者转让地上建筑物、其他附着物所有权时,其使用 范围 的土地使用权随之转让,但地上建筑物、其他附着物作为动产转让的除外。

  • Compared with the calculation results of the contact mechanics model when the concrete in the compression zone is within the limits of flexibility the two models are in good agreement .

    文中得出公式与接触力学模型计算结果相比,当受压区混凝土在弹性 范围 时二者吻合良好,当 超过弹性 范围偏差较大。

  • Acting by law and by decisions of the State Council and within the limits of its authority CAA promulgates regulations and decisions concerning civil aviation activities .

    根据法律和国务院的决定, 部门 权限 ,发布有关民用航空活动的规定、决定。

  • The relevant departments for planning and construction of the people 's governments at or above the county level shall be responsible for the work of civil air defense within the limits of their respective functions and duties .

    县级以上人民政府的计划、划、设等有关部门 各自的职责 范围 负责有关的人民防空工作。

  • There have been several instances of countries raising tariffs within the limits of their WTO commitments .

    在WTO承诺义务 限制 前提 ,一些国家提高了关税。

  • In Religion within the Limits of Reason Alone Kant discusses the concept of radical evil .

    在「仅是理性 限制 的宗教」,康德讨论极端邪恶的观念。

  • These managers will be responsible for constructing the hsgts project within the limits of each of their construction areas .

    施工经理们将负责高速陆地运输系统项目 各自施工区域 施工。

  • Guidelines concerning the Environment Related to Offshore Mining and Drilling within the Limits of National Jurisdiction

    关于国家管辖 范围 近海开采和钻探保护环境的指导方针管辖教会权力的范围

  • However finally we found a replacement that enabled us to keep within the limits of our budget .

    最终,我们发现了一个替代品能够使保持 我们预算 范围 之内

  • Private security firms must still operate within the limits of the law .

    私人保安公司仍必须在法律规定 范围 经营。

  • It shall uniformly accept administrative licensing applications within the limits of authority of the CIRC or its local offices ;

    统一受理 属于中国保监会或者派出机构职权 范围 行政许可申请;

  • Within the limits of the underwater cultural relics protection units and underwater cultural relics reserves any activities that may jeopardize the safety of the underwater cultural relics such as fishing and demolitions shall be prohibited .

    水下文物保护单位和水下文物保护区内, 禁止进行危及水下文物安全的捕捞、爆破等活动。

  • In other words so long as one remains within the limits of socially proper behavior no ignominy could come .

    换句话说,只要是一个 范围 适当的社会行为没有耻辱可能。