


  • PAYDAY in Iraq means taking home a wodge of notes from your boss and shoving it under your bed or into some hidey-hole before finding time to visit your local bank to make a deposit .

    在伊拉克,发工资日意味着从你的老板那拿一大笔现金回家,把它放在你床下面或者另外一个 隐秘的地方。

  • He hurried towards the office with a wodge of papers under his arm .

    他把一 大堆 文件夹在腋下,向办公室匆匆而去。

  • She cut herself a large wodge of chocolate cake .

    她为自己切一 大块巧克力蛋糕。

  • In the next fifteen minutes I did a grand tour of the available ATMS and drained every asset I could get my hands on into a fat wodge of banknotes .

    接下来的十五分钟内我周游了 附近 正常运作的ATM,把所有 能动用的资产都提取 出来变作一大 钞票。