without a peer

[wɪðˈaʊt e pɪr][wiˈðaut ə piə]


  • They 're not hard to use but getting crypto right ( meaning without huge flaws ) is something that takes years and a lot of peer reviews from other crypto experts .

    它们不难使用,但要获取加密权限(意味着 没有大的缺陷)需要花费几年的时间, 大量来自其他加密专家的 相关评论。

  • However there are instances of falling down without a high peer value .

    但是, 时域峰值 明显的跌倒情况时有发生。

  • To stray away into these forests drear / alone without a peer

    迷失在这 沉郁的林中/孤独,

  • Without framing a peer may receive more or less than was sent ( splitting up a write or aggregating multiple writes into a single read ) .

    如果 没有分帧机制, 一端接收到的数据可能比另外一端发送的数据多或少(这会将一次写操作划分成多次操作,或者将多次写操作合并到一个读操作中)。