without fail

[wɪðˈaʊt fel][wiˈðaut feil]


  • Thus you will come to Me without fail .

    这样你 到达我。

  • Therefore may you all try to understand this point without fail .


  • Without fail however we 've overcome them .

    然而,我们战胜了这些困难, 没有 失败过。

  • Tomorrow without fail he would be at the old riverside warehouse .

    明天他 一定会在河边的旧仓库里。

  • That means to always be engaged in the service of Krishna without fail .

    这就意味着要一刻 停的投身于对奎师那的服务。

  • I want that work finished by tomorrow without fail .

    我要求那项工作在明天前完成, 不得

  • In the afternoon he would without fail take a nap lasting from two to four hours .

    他在下午总 上两到四个小时。

  • I 'll be there at two o'clock without fail .

    我两点钟 一定到那里。

  • Take the money to your office without fail first thing in the morning

    早上第一件事是 一定要把钱拿到办公室去。

  • Make sure without fail to counter with a wrench when tightening the fuel line .

    拧紧燃油管路时,一定要用扳手顶住管路和电缆,使其 不能转动。

  • Trust me monsieur ; if he comes back-that young man-he shall have your letter without fail .

    真的,先生;要是他回来了那个青年他一定会收到你的信的, 万无一失

  • I shall kill you without fail if you ever mention his name again .

    如果你再提他的名字,我 一定了你。

  • The chief criminals shall be punished without fail those who are accomplices under duress shall go unpunished and those who perform deeds of merit shall be rewarded .

    首恶必办, 胁从 不问,立功受奖。

  • He promised to meet us downtown without fail .

    他答应一定在市中心跟我们 碰头

  • I 'll bring that book next time without fail .

    我下次 必定给你把书带来。

  • Post it when you leave without fail !

    走之前把它寄出去, 了!

  • Ask yourself these questions every day & without fail .

    每天问问自己下面的问题 一定回答

  • On the 30th you must without fail hand in some money for Alex

    30日那天你必须替 亚历克斯交一些钱

  • He writes every week without fail .

    他每周 必定写信。

  • We 'll dispatch your order today Madam without fail .

    夫人,今天我们 必定发送你的定货。

  • We will fulfil the quota without fail .

    完成生产指标 问题。

  • Resolve to perform what you ought ; perform without fail what you resolve .

    应该做的决心做,决心做的 务必做。

  • Using excess cash to pay bills and debt without fail .


  • I want it finished by this evening without fail .

    我想今晚 一定把它做完。

  • I want you here by two o'clock without fail .

    我要你两点钟 务必来到这里。

  • For repairs in the event of damage observe without fail the safety and operating instructions .

    在维修损坏的轮胎时,请 务必遵守安全和操作说明。