with the aid of...


  • The operation of this laser can be explained with the aid of Figure 10.15 .

    借助 图10.15可以解释这种激光器的运转。

  • And calculated the N-acetyl H acid content with the aid of diazotization analytical method .

    H酸 重氮法分析,从而计算出 乙酰H酸的含量。

  • With the aid of Mr liu I made great progress in speaking english .

    刘老师 帮助下,我在英语口语方面取得了很大进步。

  • He succeeded with the aid of a completely new method he discovered


  • With the aid of a computer curves of beamwidth and side lobe versus the antenna parameters are plotted .


  • With the aid of a telescope a ship could be made out on the horizon .


  • Responsible institution can with the aid of accurate prediction make plan make present quantity of output progressively .

    主管部门可以 借助 准确的预测,做出计划,使当前的产出量逐步地。

  • With the aid of a neighbor he managed to put out the fire .

    他在邻居 帮助 把火扑灭了。

  • And at the age of eight she was walking a bit with the aid of a leg brace .

    八岁时,她 借助 腿的支撑架能稍微走一走了。

  • In this case sales quantities are planned for example with the aid of a sales forecast .

    在这种情况下,销售订单数量是计划的,如 通过销售预测。

  • The branch of engineering science that studies ( with the aid of computers ) computable processes and structures .

    工程科学中研究( 利用电脑)计算程序和结构的分支。

  • With the aid of my English teacher I have made great progress this term .

    我的英语老师 帮助下,我这个学期取得了很大的进步。

  • A sixth is a logical consistency check with the aid of CASE tools .

    第五步评价是 CASE工具 辅助 进行的逻辑一致性检查。

  • With the aid of a compass the traveler can find his bearings .


  • We may travel with the aid of a good map .

    我们可以 着良好的地图旅行。

  • The corm 's position in the soil is often maintained with the aid of contractile roots .

    在收缩根 帮助 球茎可以在土壤中保持一定的位置。

  • They seized power with the aid of the armed forces .

    他们 武装夺取了政权。

  • In the user medium with the aid of CUDA will be able to be calculated physics in games .

    在用户中 帮助采用CUDA技术将能够计算物理游戏。

  • With the aid of a soccer ball and two peach baskets the first basketball game was played .

    借助 一个足球和两个桃子框,最早的篮球比赛就此诞生了。

  • Eventually with the aid of a little subterfuge he got her to agree .

    了一点 花招,终于获得她的同意。

  • The pupils created the wall painting with the aid of a local artist .

    学生们 当地艺术家 帮助下创作了这幅壁画。

  • One can visualise this process with the aid of fig.1.8.1 .

    我们可以 借助1.8.1来看清这种过程。

  • Take data warehouse as foundation with the aid of On Line Analytical Processing and Data Mining technology The composition and design of enterprise Decision Support System are put forward .

    本文以数据仓库为基础, 目前 流行 联机分析处理、数据挖掘等技术相结合,提出了 基于此的决策支持系统的设计。

  • The synthetic process and the crystal structure of stain with the aid of thermal analysis and X ray diffraction studies were discussed .


  • Trypsin was immobilized on the Mesoporous Molecular Sieve MCM-41 with the aid of the coupling agent glutaraldehyde .

    以介孔分子筛 MCM-41作为载体,戊二醛作为交联剂, 胰蛋白酶进行了固定化。

  • In one kind of medical service uses the speculum it overcame in the former technology to with the aid of the external lighting and use not convenient and so on shortcomings .

    一种医疗上用的诊视器,它克服了以往技术中需 借助外部照明,且使用不方便等缺点。

  • We would then select an appropriate graph which would afterwards alter with the aid of powerful graph theoretic tools .

    然后,我们将选取一个适当的图,接着,将 借助 各种有力的图论工具来 这个图加以改造。

  • With the aid of static analysis tools much of the heavy lifting can be handled automatically .

    了静态分析工具 帮助,许多繁重的工作可以自动地被处理了。

  • With the aid of computers we design all projects to ensure the design scientificity accuracy and compactness .

    所有设计均 采用计算机 辅助绘图,保证设计项目的科学性、准确性和严密性。