without compare

[wɪðˈaʊt kəmˈpɛr][wiˈðaut kəmˈpɛə]


  • 30 in the 104 patients with normal hepatorenal function and without history of cardiovascular system disease were dynamically observed the safety of using Dicaine and the traditional local anaesthesia was selected as control group so as to compare the efficacy of repeated surface anaesthesia .

    并对其中30例 无心血管系统病史、肝肾功能正常患者进行反复应用地卡因安全性的动态监测,且设立传统局麻对照组, 对比 研究反复表面局部麻醉的效果。

  • Although is a music merely but it spreads the time long the space broad changes spreads out many edition for the Chinese stated that frequency the discussion without any other music can compare .

    它虽仅仅是一首乐曲,但其流传的时间之长、空间之广、变衍版本之多,为唐人陈述讨论之频繁,均非 他曲所能 比拟的。

  • The image art by its organized forms and realization methods which distinguished from traditional art has the without compare advantages in expressing the ecosystem crisis and concerning the human existence foreground .

    影像艺术以有别于传统艺术的组织形式和体认方式,在表达生态危机和关切人类生存前景上有着 比拟的优势。

  • Objective : To study the safety and feasibility after functional Endoscopic surgery ( FESS ) without no nasal packing in 74 patients compare these patients with 20 packing patients and discuss the possibility and indication of avoiding packing .

    目的:探讨功能性内镜鼻窦手术( FESS)后 填塞的安全性和可行性,并对适应证 进行研究。

  • Methods 35 Colles fracture patients device into two groups . 20 patients use external fixation as treatment group 15 patients without use external as compare group . Observe the X-ray ;

    方法将20例运用手指延长器治疗的该类骨折患者作为治疗组,另设15例 运用此方法治疗的同类病患者为 对照组,对X片显示复位情况、功能恢复状况两组对比。

  • After the analysis results was verified by experiment pushover analysis for staggered truss framing system without friction dampers and staggered truss framing system with friction dampers was proceeded to compare the failure mode and the seismic performance .

    分析结果得到试验验证后,分别对 普通交错桁架结构体系和摩擦耗能交错桁架结构体系进行Pushover分析, 比较 者破坏模式、抗震性能上的 差异

  • During the experiment the system can steadily track the sun . But system without using PV panels can not directly compare the receiver efficiency to be perfect in a follow-up work .

    在实验过程中,系统能稳定地跟踪到太阳,但 使用光伏电池板,无法直接 对比接收效率,有待在后续的工作中完善。

  • The height of the empire building is without compare .

    帝国大厦的高度是 无与伦比的。

  • Finally Analys a set of simulation results of the hollow shaft without mandrel and compare the differents of effect force the equivalent strain damage coefficient when it has a mandrel or not .

    最后,对一组 芯棒轧制空心轴的模拟结果进行分析,并 比较了有无芯棒时,轧件的等效应力、等效应变、损伤系数等的变化情况。

  • In this paper we study eight kinds of liquid-storage steel tanks on the third kind of soil site compute the seismic responses of the tanks on the sites with or without the frozen layer and compare the computing results .

    以Ⅲ类季节性冻土场地上的八种立式储罐为研究对象,计算了场地在 冻结期和冻结期两种情况下储罐的地震反应,并对计算结果 进行对比 分析

  • The height of the new building is without compare in the world .

    这座新大楼的高度在世界上是 无与伦比的。

  • Methods Two groups with or without symptoms of CHD were taken VCG and ECG check respectively to compare the detective rate of abnormal items between the two groups .

    方法选择有冠心病症状和 冠心病症状的两组人群,同时进行心向量图和心电图的检查,以 比较它们诊断心肌缺血异常项目的检出率。

  • Along with a group of outstanding tourism brand the birth of the performing arts they play full-bodied art breath ; unique marketing type and unique style of acting without attracting the eyes of the masses become popular culture by tourists compare products .

    随着一批优秀的旅游演艺产品品牌剧目的诞生,他们浓郁的艺术气息,独特的营销式以及别具一格的表演方式 无不吸引着大众的眼球,成为 比较受旅游者欢迎的文化精品。

  • Methods : Cases data of 627 healthy nulliparas were retrospectively analyzed study group ( 345 cases ) accepted CSEA + PCEA and control group ( 282 cases ) without CSEA + PCEA to compare the labor course delivery way and the maternal and fetal outcome .

    方法回顾性分析627例初产妇病历资料,观察组(CSEA+PCEA)共345例,对照组( 采用CSEA+PCEA)282例, 比较 产程经过、分娩方式及母儿结局。

  • Methods w_864 The visual acuity and corneal astigmatism of 156 patients ( 172 eyes ) underwent two modes of the small tunnel incision extracapsular cataract extraction without sutures were observed and compare in the postoperative 3 months .

    方法对156例172眼分别进行两种小切口白内障 手术,并对手术后视力和角膜散光结果 进行 比较 分析

  • Second we set up a static and distribute generation investment model which only includes power market supervise the state of generation investment without compensation and compare to the ideal results .

    第二步构造了只包含能量市场的静态分散机组投资模型,考察了 没有补偿情况下,发电机组的投资状况,并 理想的投资结果 比较和讨论。

  • Candidates will presumably require a willingness to serve the motherland without too much concern for remuneration which will not compare with that on offer from investment banks or private equity firms .

    候选人想必需要有为祖国服务 太计较报酬的意愿。中投公司提供的的报酬无法 投行或私人股本公司 相提并论

  • Therefore in this thesis direct verbal communication behavior mainly refers to a kind of communication that transmits verbal messages without hiding speaker 's true intentions and to compare the two is mainly to compare direct speech acts in the two languages .

    因此,在本文中直接言语交际行为主要是指 含有直接言语的交际行为,且对 中美直接言语交际行为的 比较主要是通过对中美直接言语行为的比较来完成的。

  • In the following pair of short sentences do you see the difference in meaning with or without the punctuation marks ? I will compare notes tomorrow .

    在下面两组短句中,加标点符号和 加标点符号意思有什么区别?我明天和大家对 答案

  • Methods One hundred and twenty-four patients with acute inferior wall myocardial infarction were divided according to their electrocardiograms into two groups one with peri-infarction block ( 41 cases ) and another without ( 83 cases ) to compare the incidence of complications of the two groups .

    方法总结124例急性下壁心肌梗死住院病例,根据心电图分为梗死周围阻滞组(41例)与 梗死周围阻滞组(83例), 对比 分析两组并发症发生率。

  • Then the power flow transmission characteristics of the coupled system with / without the DVAs were investigated to evaluate and compare the isolation performance from the point of view of vibration energy transmission .

    通过考察功率流传递特性,从能量的观点分析 比较了相应复杂耦合隔振系统的 振性能;