with nonchalance

[wɪð ˌnɑnʃəˈlɑns][wið ˌnɔnʃəˈlɑ:ns]


  • Wang Wei 's Idyll and Tao Yuanming 's Idyll both fall into the aesthetic category of beauty with tranquility and nonchalance as their main style .

    王维、陶渊明的田园山水诗均属优美的美学范畴, 平淡、 静谧为主要风格。

  • She took her situation with much nonchalance .

    这个 处境 毫不介意

  • Scarlett turned away from Mammy with studied nonchalance thankful that her face had been unnoticed in Mammy 's preoccupation with the matter of ther shawl .

    斯卡利特 装作 若无其事地转身离开妈咪,感谢上帝,她的脸由于妈咪全神贯注于披肩而没有被注意到。

  • He looks at her lights a cigarette with elaborate nonchalance .

    他看着她,点上了一支烟, 极力 装出 满不在乎 样子

  • The answers are given with so much confidence and such nonchalance .

    给予答复时是如此信心 十足而又 这般 若无其事

  • Your irresolute attitude coupled with your irrepressible sense of nonchalance simply is inappropriate to the seriousness of the situation .

    你犹豫不决的态度以及抑制不住的 冷淡 事态的严重性完全不相称。

  • Disguised her interest with nonchalance ;
