within doors


  • Help people remain within doors to complete the information related to the registration registration application function .

    有利于群众 足不出户完成相关信息的登记、注册、申请等功能。

  • These are the coarsest mills in which all gossip is first rudely digested or cracked up before it is emptied into finer and more delicate hoppers within doors .


  • He kept within doors all day yesterday .

    昨儿成天呆 屋里

  • Then we passed within the great doors and it seemed that the riches of the world were before us .

    不久我们走进宏伟 大门,看来天下的财富 尽收眼底了。

  • What do you think the major deficiencies within the fire doors of existing old composite buildings in Hong Kong ?

    你认为在香港现存旧式综合用途和住宅建筑物的防火 最常见的不足 是什麽?

  • MS Office documents have been proprietary for many years and it is refreshing that the Office team within Microsoft is opening the doors .

    很多年来,MSoffice文档一直都是专用的。令人振奋的是, Microsoft的Office小组正在打开这 扇门

  • Internet gives us convenience to acquire information and break the space-time restriction . So user can obtain the information within doors .

    Internet的方便性,彻底打破了信息获取的时空限制,用户 足不出户就可以获取所需要的信息。

  • The nature and the simplicity of gentlemen and ladies with their servants and furniture I think is best observed by meals within doors .

    先生们、女士们及其仆从、家具要做到自然简单,我想 只有 室内就餐最能显现出来。

  • Trouble arose within one 's own doors .


  • So they conceal it within sturdy walls or they place it behind closed doors or they obscure it with clever disguises but truth no matter how ugly always emerges .

    所以他们用 严实的墙来遮蔽它;或把真相关在紧闭的 后;或用聪明的伪装使它们变得朦胧,但不管真相多么丑陋它们总会浮现。

  • I can let you confine self within doors getting all articles needed by you right away !

    我可以让您 足不出户就得到您所需的一切物品!

  • The resulting lower price and the fact that the entire family travels within closed doors has made safety affordable .

    由此带来的较低价格,以及全家 可以驾驶一辆有封闭 门窗的汽车旅行的事实,让人们可以把安全问题暂且放 一边。

  • You just dial a phone we will be able to let you remain within doors door for you exclude the difficulty and anxiety .

    您只需拨打一个电话,我们便可以让您 足不出户,上门为您排忧解难。

  • He was down with the measles and was kept within doors .

    他得麻疹 病倒了,不能 出门

  • They were now a miserable trio confined within doors by a series of rain and snow with nothing to do and no variety to hope for .

    现在就剩下他们可怜巴巴的三个人,被连续的雨雪困 里,无事可做,也没有什么新鲜事可企盼。

  • Companies do answer to the party but constant shifts in power within the elite mean that deals are often backed behind closed doors by powerful individuals or factions ; these groups often rely on the success or failure of such deals to advance their political fortunes .

    企业确实要向党负责,但高层 内部权力的不断变迁意味着, 大权在握的个人或派别往往在背后支持交易;这些集团往往依赖这类交易的成败,来提升自己的政治前途。

  • Within doors that is when it rained and I could not go out I found employment on the following occasions ;


  • And after eight days again his disciples were within and Thomas with them : then came jesus the doors being shut and stood in the midst and said peace be unto you .

    过了八日、门徒又 屋里、多马也和他们同在、 都关了。耶稣来站在当中说、愿你们平安。