temporary account

[ˈtɛmpəˌrɛri əˈkaʊnt][ˈtempərəri əˈkaunt]

[经] 临时性帐户

  • You can download either a standard or temporary RM account certificate .

    您可以下载标准或 临时rm 帐户证书。

  • Only one temporary account certificate is valid at a time .

    每次只有一个 临时 帐户证书有效。

  • Presently the complete loading calculation mode is widely used as the design method of the metro station but the vertical load from the temporary road surface system isn 't taken into account .

    目前,我国地铁车站设计中普遍采用的一次加载的计算模式,也没有 考虑盖挖施工 临时路面体系传递的竖向荷载。

  • Suspense account a temporary account for funds which have not yet been identified .

    暂记帐户记录尚未认定的资金的 临时 帐户

  • Bank deposit account is divided into the basic deposit account a general deposit account temporary deposit account and a special deposit account .

    银行存款账户分为基本存款账户、一般存款账户、 临时存款 账户和专用存款账户。

  • The individual measure words ge accounts for two-thirds of the total output and the temporary measure words account for the least output .

    其中个体量词个约 了输出总量的三分之二,而 临时量词输出量最少。

  • This section discusses the behaviors of created temporary tables that should be taken into account .

    本节讨论应该 考虑的已创建的 临时表的行为。

  • Standards for determining suspected illegality or obviously irregular transactions of accounts under the preceding paragraph and operational procedures and regulations for temporary account suspension shall be prescribed by the competent authority .

    前项疑似不法或显属异常交易账户之认定标准,及 暂停 账户之作业程序及办法,由主管机关定之。

  • You were issued a temporary set of credentials for this user account already . Request another set of temporary credentials once the time period for these credentials has expired .

    您已经拥有对此用户 帐户的一套 临时凭据。这些凭据过期后您可以申请另一套临时凭据。

  • Password All3 levels temporary password will be sent to your primary email account .

    全部3层的密码会发送到您的电子 邮箱

  • A method of temporary overvoltage calculation with the characteristics of non-linear elements taken into account

    及非线性元件特性的 工频过电压计算方法

  • Spastic colitis with usually temporary abdominal pain and diarrhea may account for50 % of all digestive-tract illnesses .

    黏液性或痉挛性结肠炎常为「神经性」或心身性,多为 一时性,可 所有消化道疾病的50%。