work council

[wɚk ˈkaʊnsəl][wə:k ˈkaunsl]

[经] 工厂理事会

  • This paper is one of achievements of the National E-Government Information Security Trial Work launched by the State Council Informationization office .

    论文是 国务院信息化工作办公室国家电子政务信息安全试点 工作(重庆)(项目编号:200402008)的系统研究成果之一。

  • Under the direction of the premier the Secretary-General of the State Council shall be responsible for the day-to-day work of the state council .

    国务院秘书长在总理领导下,负责处理 国务院的日常 工作

  • An office of the said headquarters shall be set up in the competent administrative department for seismic work under the state council .

    国务院抗震 救灾指挥机构的办事机构,设在 国务院地震行政主管部门。

  • Staff work at the council to a flexitime system which means they take breaks at different times and if they go out to buy a sandwich they clock in and out by swiping their cards .

    该地方 议会实行“弹性工作制”, 工作人员可以在不同时间段休息。如果他们出去买三明治,就必须刷卡登记。

  • To supervise the work of the state council the Central Military commission the Supreme people 's court and the Supreme people 's procuratorate ;

    监督 国务院、中央军事委员会、最高人民法院和最高人民检察院的 工作

  • In fact the work of the Legislative Council is closely related to the daily life of Hong Kong people .

    事实上,立法 工作与香港市民日常生活息息相关。

  • The committee normally meets on Friday afternoons and is responsible for dealing with matters related to the work of the Legislative Council and preparing members for Council meetings .

    委员会通常於星期五下午举行会议,负责处理与立法 工作有关的事务,让议员为立法 会议做好准备。

  • He also saluted the work of the British Council whose Chair Vernon Ellis and China Regional Director Joanna Burke were in the classroom .

    陪同首相 一起访问这所小学的成员还有英国文化 协会主席文龙先生及中国区主任白琼娜女士。

  • May8 about environmental protection work of the state council made the decision .

    国务院作出关于环境保护 工作的决定。

  • Guidelines for the Conduct of the Work of the Governing Council of the United Nations Compensation Commission

    关于开展联合国赔偿委员会 理事会 工作的指导方

  • This work was City Heritage Council approval .

    工作得到了市文物 的批准。

  • In March 1998 the Coordinating Committee for the Disabled-related Work of the State Council issued the Decisions on Strengthening the Building of the China Disabled Persons ' Federation at the Grassroots Level .

    1998年3月 国务院残疾人 工作协调委员会作出了《关于加强基层残联建设的决定》。

  • This is a working report at the Eighth Representative Conference of the Chinese Psychological Society which summarized the work of the Seventh Council of the Society from 1997-2001 . It included 4 parts : ( 1 ) Launch more academic exchange activities promote the development of psychology ;

    该文系作者在中国心理学会第八届代表大会上的报告,总结了中国心理学会第七届 理事会1997&2001年的 工作。全文包括四个部分:(1)开展学术交流,促进学科发展;

  • Immediately after Shanghai Hangzhou established a land bank institutions . In 2001 with the management of state-owned land on the strengthening of the notice in the work of the State Council approved the land reservation the land reservation system was encouraged to a nationwide promotion .

    杭州紧随上海之后也成立了土地储备机构,到2001年随着《关于加强国有土地资产管理的通知》中国务 对土地储备 工作的认可,土地储备制度得以在全国范围内推广。

  • Promoting public understanding of the work of the Legislative Council .

    加深公众对立法 工作的了解。

  • Because of the need of work made the council of ministers of propagating this afternoon .

    由于 工作需要,今天下午开了宣传部长 会议

  • The board of executors must be responsible and report on their work to the standing council and at the same time be supervised and checked by the board of supervisors .

    理事会必须对议事 负责并报告 工作,同时接受监事会的监督和制约。

  • Work the council continue to strengthen the responsibility to collect investigation open where the shop will check where the investigation will be closed where the collection will be at ;

    工作中,该 不断强化责任,以收缴查处开路,“凡店必查、凡查必收、凡收必处”;

  • His work for the Council on Foreign Relations and on the Rockefeller reports gave him an added cachet .

    而他为对外关系 协会写的 著作以及为洛克菲勒写的报告更提高了他的声望。

  • But if the Chinese are now ready to work through the Security Council that is chiefly in the hope of forestalling unilateral American action .

    但是,如果说中国人现在准备通过 安理会 解决朝鲜核问题,那主要是寄希望于预先阻止美国单方面采取行动。

  • Article 10 The competent administrative department for seismic work under the State Council shall be responsible for formulating national plans of earthquake monitoring and prediction and making arrangements for their implementation .

    第十条 国务院地震行政主管部门 负责制定全国地震监测预报方案,并组织实施。

  • Ad Hoc Committee on the Rationalization of the Work of the Council

    理事会 工作合理化特设委员会

  • Work Report of the 6th Council of China Writing Society

    中国写作学会第六届 理事会 工作报告

  • The Premier shall direct the work of the state council .

    总理领导 国务院 工作

  • Article 88 . The Premier directs the work of the State Council .

    第八十八条总理领导 国务院 工作

  • As for nationality most participants opined that people holding foreign passports should no longer participate in the work of the legislative council .

    国籍问题方面,与会的各位人士大部分觉得不应再有外国护照的人士参与立法 工作

  • MacGregor argues that it is the bilateral links between museums or libraries that can complement yet also bypass the work of the Council .

    麦克格瑞格辩称,博物馆或图书馆之间的双边联系不仅可以补充、还可以逾越英国文化处的 工作