working hour

[ˈwə:kɪŋ aʊr][ˈwɜ:kɪŋ ˈauə]

[经] 工作时间

  • Our management has decided to stagger our working hour .

    我们的管理部门已决定错开 工作 时间

  • Conclusion By adopting some measures to reduce radon and limiting the upper working hour in a year the harm of radon to human can be avoid completely .

    结论通过采取一定的降氡措施和限制 工作 人员坑道 工作时间,则可避免氡对人体的危害。

  • It appears that he does not like fixed working hour .

    看来他不喜欢固定的 工作 时间

  • Gucci has not got the approval for Comprehensive Working Hour Calculation System in Shenzhen but the system is still applied in Shenzhen .

    在深圳没有获得相关部门的审批却实际实行综合 工时制,非法克扣 加班工资。

  • • 93 facilities had records that indicated more than 50 percent of their workers exceeded weekly working hour limits of 60 in at least 1 week out of the 12 sample period .

    •相关记录表明,总计93家工厂超过一半的员工在抽样调查的12个时间段内,至少有一周的 工作时间超过了60 小时的上限。

  • A System of computes Aided setting the machining times Calculation Research for Norm of Working Hour of CAPP

    计算机辅助制定工时定额系统CAPP中的 工时定额的计算研究

  • How do you schedule the working hour and what kind of tasks need to be performed for this job ?

    我想问下 工作 时间是怎样分配的, 工作性质是什么?

  • Factory regulations including the policies on working hour system overtime compensation and other legal benefits .

    厂规或者员工手册,包括对 工作 时间,加班补贴,法定福利之制度。

  • The material cost data base and working hour data base are established .

    建立了该类产品的材料成本数据库和 工时成本数据库;

  • Taxpayer : by the way could you tell me your telephone number and working hour ?

    纳税人:顺便问一下你们的 工作电话和 时间

  • No.i 'm not tired yet . let 's keep on working for another hour or so .

    不,我还不累。让我们再 一个 钟头吧。

  • Calculation Research for Norm of Working Hour of CAPP

    CAPP中的 工时定额的计算研究

  • Although its code of conduct states that it will comply with all laws Samsung has confirmed that an internal audit of its Chinese suppliers showed violations of working hour limits during limited windows of peak season production .

    尽管三星的行为准则上有“遵守一切法规”这一条,但该公司证实,其对中国供应商的内部检查显示,“在生产高峰期的有限时间里”,存在 工作 超时的情况。

  • The minimum payment for a legal working hour of an employee in FFEs must not be lower than the standard for the local minimum payment .

    职工法定 工作 时间 的最低工资,不得低于当地最低工资标准。

  • On the basis of current analysis of CIM project and working hour managerial technique the article put forward a theory of dynamic working hour managerial technique under the circumstance of CIM / MIS .

    在对目前的CIM工程、 工时管理技术现状分析的基础上,提出了CIM/MIS环境下的动态工时管理技术理论。

  • Results The calculating formal of ventilation time and upper limit of working hour in a year are given .

    结果给出 坑道 通风次数及 工作 人员 坑道 工作 时间上限的计算公式。

  • Feasibility Analysis on Implementing Different Working Hour of Beijing

    北京市实施错 下班的可行性分析

  • An analysis of effective working - hour in nursing

    对护理 工作有效 工时的分析研究

  • Subject to the operation needs the COMPANY may adopt irregular working hour system or calculate the working hours on synthetic basis .

    根据实际工作需要,本公司可能采用不规则 时间 工作制或依照综合标准计算工作时间。

  • Simple Analysis to Application of Quota Management of Coating Material and Working Hour in Platform Anticorrosion

    浅析涂装材料消耗定额和 工时定额管理在平台防腐蚀中的应用

  • China is one of the longest working hour countries .

    我国是全球 工作 时间最长的国家之一。

  • Study and Theory of Dynamic Working Hour Managerial Technique under the Circumstance of CIM / MIS

    CIM/MIS环境下动态 工时管理技术理论研究

  • The deep hole of middle blasting may improve single cycle drilling depth fully utilizes more the working hour decrease assist work time .

    中深孔爆破,可提高单循环进尺,更充分利用 工时,减少辅助作业时间;

  • They should have everything working inside an hour

    他们应该会在一个 小时 之内使一切 运转起来。

  • The cer - tain analysis of encouragement and supervision of managerial staffs and technical staffs made dynamic working hour managerial technique under the circumstance of CIM / MIS more completely .

    在此基础上,又对管理人员和技术人员的激励与监督进行了一定的分析,从而使CIM/MIS环境下的动态 工时管理技术更为完整。

  • Results Working hour distribution of the exposed workers showed : only 75 % of the working hours were stayed inside the worksites other 16.3 % and 8.3 % of the working hours in the rest room and living room outside the workplace respectively .

    结果 粘胶作业工人工作的流动性较大,仅有75%的工作时间停留在车间内,分别有16.3%和8.3%的 工作 时间分布在车间内休息室和车间外面的环境。

  • Extract date model of order distribution process working hour distribution and facility number from the actual mold manufacturing system . Secondly construct the layout model .

    从现实模具制造系统中,提取产品结构,订单分布,工艺路线, 工时分布和资源数目等数据模型;其次,构建布局模型。

  • Based on Group Technology part families of the norm of working hour are formed according to the similarity among components .

    应用成组技术的原理按 步内容相似划分 工时定额零件族;