


  • Having analyzed urban sense and experience of both the authors and the people in their literature the thesis reveals the modern subject with the core of living worriment in the novels of the New Sense School .

    通过分析作者 本人及其艺术世界的中人物的都市感觉和 情绪体验,旨在揭示新感觉派小说以生存 焦虑为核心的现代主题,并 在此 基础上分析新感觉派小说以感觉为 逻辑的现代 叙事模式。

  • Results : The effect of granule for relieving worriment was better than that of alprazolam ( P0.01 ) and the untoward reaction in the former was less than that in the latter ( P0.01 ) .

    结果: 冲剂疗效优于阿普唑伦(P0.01),治疗组不良反应少于对照组(P0.01)。

  • The fierce worriment of death and rebirth contributed to her only novel The Bell Jar in which she reproduced her private experience of adolescent depression and suicide behavior in this bildungsroman anonymously .

    关于死亡和再生的 狂热 焦虑促成了她 此生唯一一部小说《钟罩》(TheBellJar),她将自己隐私的青春期精神 失常 关于 尝试自杀的行为缩影在这部成长小说中。

  • CONCLUSION : Somatization is mainly caused by socio-culture background especially human relationship . It is a mean of expressing and dealing with social and personal worriment .

    结论:躯体化主要是由于社会文化背景即社会人际关系造成的,是表达与应付社会和个人 烦恼 手段

  • Study on Hypochondria ( 35 cases ) treated by Granule for Relieving Worriment

    冲剂治疗 焦虑症35例初探