worry down

[ˈwɚri daʊn][ˈwʌri daun]


  • The true charity is the worry worry respectively persistent all down .

    真正的布施,是把烦恼、 忧虑、分别、执着、通通 放下

  • So I don 't even have to worry because you 're not writing this down so I can just fix it when I post the notes and no one will ever know except that this is not OpenCourseWare .

    所以我甚至不用 担心,因为你们不会把这个写 下来,所以我可以在我给出讲义的时候再修改,而且不会有人知道,但除非这不是公开课。

  • Don 't worry about it . we 've been down before .

    担心,我们也 失败过。

  • The people in the valley worry about snow sliding down the mountain .

    在山谷的人们 担心雪从山上 滑落

  • Let 's worry about our problems at home before preaching down to the rest of the world .

    在请告诉我 贬低其它国家前,先 担心一下我们请告诉我结果自己的问题吧。

  • Paraluman says that Filipino farmers also worry that higher yields could drive prices down .

    Paraluman也说,菲律宾农民也 担心种植转基因玉米后产量增加会把价格 下来

  • You will also feel a lot better if you 're positive and refuse to let worry or other problems get you down .

    如果你能够保持乐观的态度,不让 忧虑或者其他什么问题将你 ,你的感觉也会更加的良好。

  • The reason that I never talked marriage to you was because I couldn 't stand to see you the princess of worry weighted down by me and my limited prospects .

    我之所以一直没有跟你谈到结婚的事情是因为我不想看着你,这样一个 忧虑公主 跟着我为我和我可怜的前途 忧虑

  • All of your geometry 's UVs will now appear in a mess on top of one another but don 't worry just move the selected UVs down out of the way .

    您的几何的乌布苏现在一切都将出现在上一个背着小孩的混乱,但不要 担心,只要将选定的 乌布苏 进行的方式。

  • To demonstrate the effect of chorda tympani nerve used in tympanoplasty . Don 't worry about that heavy load it 's chained down .

    论证鼓索神经对听骨链重建的作用。不用 担心那重物,它已用链子 拴牢了。

  • And if it goes up6 percent well you 'll go up10 percent or more and if it goes down don 't worry I 'm so smart your stocks won 't go down .

    如果股市涨了6个百分点,你可以转到10以上的百分点,如果股市跌了,你也 不用 担心,你选择的人会保证你买的股票不会

  • Baby don 't worry I can just go down to the temp agency on .

    宝贝,别 担心,我星期一可以 去找个临时。

  • I think maybe he 's sick or something . I start to worry go down to the harbor ask around .

    我想他可能病了还是出了什么事儿,开始 担心起来,就到港口 打听。

  • The short answer yesterday was that they chose not to worry pushing the dollar down through key levels .

    昨天的市场给出了简短答案:交易员也选择不 担心,于是美元 向下突破了关键点位。

  • Don 't worry it won 't cool down during this time !

    担心,在这段时间 不会冷却!

  • When you are the cause of frustration depression you are afraid of family members worry henpecked remembered or simply look down upon you .

    你事业受挫时,情绪低落时,你怕家人 担心,怕老婆惦记或者干脆 看不起你。

  • Don 't worry & simply lying down can make a big difference .

    不过别 担心&只要 躺下就会有很大不同。

  • Actually you are recovering and what you imagine as your worry is slowing down the treatment .

    事实上,您是在康复,而您自己的 疑心 妨碍治疗。

  • The patches for waterproof design the users to worry about a bath or swimming it will drop down .

    该贴片为防水设计,使用者不用 担心洗澡或游泳时它会掉 下来

  • Don 't worry about getting to the station John will run you down in the car .


  • Don 't worry about the heavy load ; it 's chained down .

    担心装载量大,已经用链子 拴住

  • The landscape is still dotted with established couture talents but the worry is what will happen when the current crop steps down .

    现在这个行业还有不少知名的高级定制时装人才,但如果这一 退 下去情况又会怎样呢?

  • On the other side of the debate there are some convincing critics of the land reform movement who worry that China could go down the same path as other post-Communist countries most notably Russia were it hastily to privatise all rural land .

    在这场辩论的另一边,有一些很有说服力的土地改革运动批评人士。他们 担心,如果匆忙将所有农村土地私有化,中国 重蹈其它前社会主义国家,尤其是俄罗斯的覆辙。

  • You didn 't worry about her down there ?

    你对她 地下工作不 担心

  • Don 't worry about a bed for me I can kip down on the floor .

    不要 操心床铺的事。我就 在地板上好了。

  • Germans worry that their economy is going down the plughole .

    德国人 担心他们的经济会 入深渊。

  • A more sensitive tourist might worry about being kidnapped by FARC rebels or breaking down in the jungle or car accidents ( like the burning wreckage of a fatal crash they came upon in Mexico ) .

    更敏感一些的旅行者也许会 担心半路被哥伦比亚革命武装力量(FARC)绑架、在丛林里 车,或是遭遇车祸(他们在墨西哥目睹了致命车祸现场残骸燃烧的场景)。