work of cohesion

[wɚk ʌv koˈhiʒən][wə:k ɔv kəʊˈhi:ʒən]


  • The Department for Work and Pensions research studied the implications of age on equality and social cohesion .

    英国 就业与退休保障部门就年龄对于社会平等与社会 凝聚力所起的作用进行了分析与研究。

  • This paper taking The Yellow Wallpaper as an example illustrates how the mind style in a literary work is realized through the language choices by the author . The analyses are made in terms of vocabulary structure context and cohesion .

    以短篇小说TheYellowWallpaper为例,探讨了文体学中的mindstyle是如何通过作者在 作品中的语言选择来实现的,包括词汇、结构、上下文和 衔接等。

  • Implementing performance management can improve library service effects to some extent heighten its work performance stimulate its staff enhance staff 's sense of satisfaction and strengthen its cohesion as well .

    实施绩效管理可以改善图书馆的服务效果,提高 工作绩效,激励馆员,增强馆员工作满意感和图书馆 凝聚力

  • Interview whose subjects are 27 teachers who work at the front line of college English teaching aims to find out the present situation of college English writing teaching and ensure the practicability of teaching cohesion knowledge to students .

    访谈对象为27位 工作在教学第一线的从事大学英语教学的老师,访谈旨在于了解教师当前写作教学的情况并了解对实验班进行 衔接知识教学的可行性。

  • Since the 1980s the work way of using team management had played an important role in enhancing environmental adaptability improving management efficiency sharing information and knowledge and boosting cohesion thus it had became popular in many companies .

    自上世纪80年代起,团队管理的 工作方式在增强环境适应力、提高管理效率、共享信息与知识、提高 凝聚力等方面发挥了重要的作用,因而在企业中迅速地普及开来。

  • The work of propaganda in university should stick to three closes carry out the principles of human-orientation increase the creation and persuasion in propaganda work and strengthen the appealing and cohesion in the work .

    高校宣传思想 工作要坚持落实三贴近,贯彻以人为本原则,增强宣传工作的创新性和说服力,增强舆论工作的导向性和感召 增强宣传思想工作的针对性和 凝聚力

  • The normal work of a sports team cannot do without cohesion and a certain amount of cohesion is the basic requirement for the existence and development of the team .

    体育团队的正常 运转离不开 凝聚力,一定的凝聚力是体育团队存在和发展的基本要求。