working diagram

[ˈwə:kɪŋ ˈdaɪəˌɡræm][ˈwɜ:kɪŋ ˈdaiəɡræm]


  • Study on Foundational Theory of Laboratorial Platform for Train Working Diagram Based on Railway Network

    网状线路列车 运行 实验平台基础理论的研究

  • The paper suggests using the expert system to work out train working diagram giving some opinion for the knowledge representation and deduction mechanism of the system .

    本文提出建立 专家系统,对该系统进行了分析,并对其知识表示、推理机制进行了多方面的探讨。

  • Design Calculation and Drawing of Working Diagram for the Spring of Motorcycle Damper

    摩托车减震器弹簧的设计计算及 工作 绘制

  • Research on concurrency control method of train working diagram compilation system based on group coordination

    基于群体协同的铁路列车 运行 编制系统并发控制方法研究

  • It also compares PESP model with other relative models and discusses the appropriateness of PESP for building a rail working diagram and complexity of solving PESP and then provides an improved converse solving algorithm raising the effectiveness of model solving .

    将PESP模型与其他相关模型进行了比较,并且研究了PESP适合列车 运行 铺划的优势。研究了求解PESP的复杂性并给出了改进了的反推求解算法。

  • Train Working Diagram is the basis of railway transportation in the high-speed railway line which determines the quality of the railway services and the economies of the transport enterprises .

    高速铁路列车 运行 是铁路行车组织 工作的基础,是铁路服务质量和运输企业经济效益的体现。

  • The model of assignment problem algorithm and the model of minimum rate with maximum flow model are the basic algorithm and model for optimizing locomotive working diagram . However limitations occur when it comes to the optimization problem of locomotive working diagram partially under double-locomotive traction .

    指派问题算法模型和最小费用最大流模型是机车 周转 优化的基本算法和模型,对解决部分双机牵引情况下的机车运用优化问题,具有一定的局限性。

  • Borrowed ideas from the definition of equilibrium of train working diagram of railway the definition and mathematical description of separate-equilibrium of train working diagram of urban rail transit were given .

    借鉴铁路列车 运行 均衡性的定义,本文给出了城市轨道交通列车运行图分时段均衡性的定义和数学描述。

  • Optimization Model of Locomotive Working Diagram

    编制机车 周转 的优化模型

  • Research on establishment of locomotive working diagram by computer ;

    机车 周转 的编制是多约束条件的组合优化问题。

  • Design for Computer Aided Drawing Locomotive Working Diagram System

    计算机编制机车 周转 系统设计

  • Model Establishment of Intelligent Drawing System for Train Working Diagram based on MAS

    基于MAS的列车 运行 智能编制系统建模方法研究

  • Drawing train working diagram by computer is the urgent problem needed to be solved in the department of transportation .

    使用计算机绘制各种形式的列车 运行 ,是铁路运输生产部门急需解决的问题。

  • The results show that compared with actual locomotive working diagram the total time of locomotives staying in districts and the required number of locomotives is reduced by about 21 % and 8.6 % respectively .

    以某实际列车 运行 为例进行仿真计算,结果表明:运用该算法可使机车的段内总停留时间和需要的牵引机车台数较实际的机车 周转 分别减少约21%和8.6%。

  • Train working diagram is the foundation of transport organization and has direct influence upon efficiency and security of transport organization .

    列车 运行 是轨道交通运输组织的基础,其编制质量的高低直接影响运输组织的效率和安全。

  • SDH Technology and STM-1 Working Diagram

    SDH技术及STM-1系统 工作 图解

  • Evaluation of Stability of Railway Working Diagram Based on Max-plus Algebra

    基于Max-plus方法的列车 运行 稳定性评价

  • On the bases of analyses and calculations of the technical requirements for the design of the cross over lines in section the basic time parameters of the train working diagram and the influence upon the carrying capacity in section a conclusive proposal is presented .

    在对区间内渡线设计的技术要求、 运行 基本时间参数以及对区间通过能力影响分析计算的基础上,提出相关的结论性意见。

  • A complete working diagram and methods for design by analysis are developed . In the researches intersect disciplines on flow-solid coupling irradiation-heat-stress coupling shock-vibration-elastic-plastic dynamics similar theory of model test etc.

    建立了完整的分析法设计的 工作 流程和方法,研究中涉及到流-固耦合、辐照-热-应力耦合、冲击-振动-弹塑性动力学、相似理论-模型试验等交叉学科;

  • This paper introduces design principle of the medical equipment room from choosing address working diagram block and designing the room .

    本文从医疗设备机房的选址、 机房功能布局 和机房设计中应高度重视的几个问题三个方面介绍医疗设备机房设计原则。

  • And locomotive working diagram is one of the core contents of the railway daily plan .

    机车 周转 编制是铁路日班计划的核心内容之一。

  • Computer Aided Design Method of Drawing Train Working Diagram

    计算机绘制列车 运行 的设计方法

  • General Conception and Basic Framework of the New Train Working Diagram

    新编列车 运行 的总体思路和基本框架

  • Based on principle of direct calculation method the paper with integration of train working diagram design builds up a calculation model for carrying capacity of double-tracked railway section .

    本文用直接计算法对给定了主尺度、船型、总布置和材料的大型油轮的 剖面的纵向构件设计进行了优化。

  • A Convenient Way to Adjust Locomotive Working Diagram by Computer

    计算机调整机车 周转 的一种简便方法

  • This paper also analyzes the time when the train is operated on the receiving-departure line in yard throat and studies the relationship among train working diagram shunting operation plan and flow assignment plan .

    接着对车列作业占用咽喉区和到发线的时间进行了分析,就与列车 运行 和调机运用计划、配流计划之间的关系进行了研究。

  • In the last part the paper makes an analysis of the modules of train working diagram and timetable of the ATS system and achieves the aim of automated train scheduling for subway .

    本文最后对ATS子系统中的时刻表和运行 管理模块进行了分析,并初步实现了地铁列车时刻表的自动编制和 运行 绘制功能。

  • A Study of Key Problems and Improved Means on Current Train Working Diagram

    现行列车 运行 存在问题及改进方法的研究

  • Research on Establishment and Evaluation of the Stability-based Train Working Diagram of Passenger Dedicated Lines

    基于稳定性的客运专线 运行 编制与评价问题研究