work it

[wɚk ɪt][wə:k it]


  • Remove rind from the cheese and work it to a firm paste with a fork .

    将奶酪的外皮去掉,用叉子 压成硬硬的膏状。

  • When asked what a £ 40.35 meal for five people would cost each diner they were unable to work it out .

    问到5个人吃一顿饭花了 40.35英镑,每人要出多少钱时,他们算不 出来

  • Arabian work influenced it much without doubt .

    阿拉伯人的 工作无疑对 产生过重要的影响。

  • Again assuming that they can work it all out .

    当然,前提是假定Zynga能 成功推出 档节目。

  • I 'll make this marriage work if it kills me .

    再难我也要 努力使这桩婚姻 幸福美满。

  • Even worse at work it can be hard to get simple stuff done like getting a travel request approved an expense report paid finding the right data document person conference room report or chart .

    更糟糕的是,在 工作环境中一些简单的事 会变得异常困难,比如出差申请的审批、报销,以及要找到需要的数据、文件、人员、会议室、报告或报表等等。

  • This is a shoddy piece of work ; it 's hardly presentable .

    活儿不像样, 拿不出手

  • If I 've had a bad day I 'll work it off by cooking .

    我要是哪天不顺心,就去做饭 排解 一下

  • Set a goal and work on it till you achieve it .

    定下目标,为之 努力 直到你实现它。

  • For a governance program to work it must reflect the actual environment in which it is being applied and as always when it comes to management the primary factor is the people involved .

    要让治理计划 有效必须反映出它所应用的实际环境,并且一提到管理,那么主要的因素就是所涉及的人。

  • He likes selling rather than office work because it keeps him on the move .

    他喜欢推销,不喜欢坐 办公室,因为推销 可以使他到处走动。

  • That isn 't work . It 's who they are .

    其实那不是 工作是他们的自我。

  • The plan didn 't work because it cut clean across the will of the mass .

    那个计划完全违背了群众的意愿, 因而 行不通

  • I 'm sure we can work it out .

    我确定我们是 办法 解决的。

  • And they did beat the gold into thin plates and cut it into wires to work it in the blue and in the purple and in the scarlet and in the fine linen with cunning work .

    把金子锤成薄片,剪出线来,与蓝色,紫色,朱红色线,用 巧匠的手工一同绣上。

  • Private means that only the owner can see and work with it .

    私有意味着只有文件所有者才能查看和 处理

  • Or can these two hotties work it ?

    还是这两个辣妹, 设法和平共处?

  • This time Joyce was willing to work it out .

    这次,乔 依丝也愿意澄清误会。

  • I think they ought to bring it back for nothing if they put people to work with it .

    认为,如果这些企业将这些钱投入 生产,应该允许他们无偿 将资金带回本土。

  • It sounds difficult but compared to full-time work it was a cinch .

    这听上去有难度,可是比起全职 工作来, 就是小意思了。

  • You are encouraged to pick one and work with it .

    我们鼓励您自己挑选一个并 开始 尝试

  • Work it out and you 'll find it figures .


  • If you have seen or heard something that is memorable work it into your presentation .

    如果在现场你看到或听到了一些值得一提的事情, 加到你的演讲中去。

  • The Lord God took the man and put him in the Garden of Eden to work it and take care of it .

    耶和华上帝将那人安置在伊甸园,使他 修理,看守。

  • I value this car only as a means of getting to work ; it has no other importance for me .

    我看重这部汽车仅因为我 上班时用 代步,除 无其他重要性可言。

  • B : Don 't worry . I 'm sure we can work it out .

    别担心.我保证我们 办法解决。

  • This particular section can be quite illuminating as you work through it .

    这个特别的部分可能在您 处理 工作的过程中非常具有启发性。

  • I don 't believe your situation is as hopeless as you think . If you love each other you 'll work it out

    我认为你们的情况并 不像你想的那样无望。如果你们彼此相爱,总会找到 解决办法的。