work study program

[wɚk ˈstʌdi ˈproˌɡræm][wə:k ˈstʌdi ˈprəuɡræm]

[计] 工作研究程序

  • The Reflection and Practice of School Social Work in Schools for Children of Migrant Workers & A Case Study on an Educational Supporting Program in Migrant Children 's School in Beijing

    打工子弟学校社会 工作的实践与反思&以北京市打工子弟学校教育援助 项目

  • Through the above research work basic solution personalization study support program in each part of key technologies question .

    通过以上的研究 工作基本解决了个性化 学习支持 系统中每部分的关键技术问题。

  • Integration of Work and Study Layers-Built Promotion & Exploring on the Practical Teaching Model for the Features of Business English Program in Higher Vocational Education

    工学结合、分层推进&高职商务英语 专业特色实践教学模式探索

  • Mode of Farmer Government and Expert 's Participation in Anti-poverty and Development Work A Case Study of Rural Development Program of Amity

    扶贫发展 工作中农民、政府和专家的参与模式&以爱德基金会农村发展 工作

  • The work of the theoretical study and numerical simulation of optical klystron free electron laser is suppoted by National 863 Research Development Program and National Science Foundation of China .

    项目由国家863 计划和国家自然科学基金资助的理论 研究和数值模拟 课题

  • The main work of this paper is to study the LLC protocol and then propose LLC module design with program realizing and software testing .

    本文的主要 工作是对LLC协议进行 研究,然后提出LLC模块的设计方案,并对该设计 方案进行 代码实现和软件测试。

  • On the Status quo and Measures-taken Concerning the Work of the Overseas Study Program in Shanxi Province

    我省 留学 工作的现状及对策德国应对国际留学市场竞争的措施及其启示