working space

[ˈwə:kɪŋ spes][ˈwɜ:kɪŋ speis]


  • Working Space of Six-freedom-degree Parallel Mechanism CMM and Its Simulation Research

    并联六坐标测量机的 工作 空间及其仿真研究

  • The decoration materials used in the office which is to the greatest extent of simplicity and Environmental Protection with no wood and benzene-free create a tidy breezy and healthy working space .

    整个办公空间在材料上尽量简约、保,不用木、用含苯材料,以求一个简洁、快、康的 工作 环境

  • Analysis on working space of a 3-PRS parallel manipulator

    一种3-PRS并联 机器人的姿态 空间分析

  • Journalists will have a working space in the WHO Library .

    记者将在世卫组织图书馆有一个 工作

  • The front section is the summer house It used for the ceremony pavilion working space kitchen also the communication platform of the community .

    前段为“夏屋”,是祷祭亭、 工作 平台、厨房,同时也作为与社区的沟通平台。

  • 6-DOF parallel robot working space boundary analysis and determination algorithm

    6-DOF并联机器人 工作 空间边界分析与判定算法

  • The Monte Carlo method has a quick solution speed and could simply straightforwardly and visually describe the working space of the manipulator .

    蒙特卡洛法求解速度快,能够简单、直观、形象地描绘出机械手的 工作 空间

  • The long arm flat bed gives a wider working space .

    超长型缝台,使 操作 空间更为广阔。

  • With its unique design concept the bed elevator has created a clean and bright working space harmonious with the hospital environment and brought a comfortable environment for passengers .

    医用电梯以其独特的设计理念,创造与医院环境和谐统一、清洁明亮的 工作 空间,为乘客创造了一个舒适的环境。

  • I only have a small working space .

    我的 工作 空间很小。

  • Simulation results show that the analysis can reflect the complete working space of3 & PTT CNC serial-parallel machine tools and provide a theoretical basis for automatic control of working process .

    仿真结果表明:此分析能较好地反映3&PTT串并联数控机床的完全 工作 空间,为工作过程的数字化控制提供了理论依据。

  • Working space analysis on a kind of new typed series-parallel machine tool

    一种新型串并联机床的 工作 空间分析

  • You can effectively double your working space through USB2.0 port .

    你可以你的 工作 空间,通过有效的双重USB2.0港。

  • Redefining working space and leisure space the Asus Design Center reflects a contemporary open working pattern for a new generation .

    从新定义 工作与游戏空间,「华硕设计中心 办公室」,反应次世代开放的工作方式。

  • Gas stove and roomy working space .

    燃气灶和宽大的 工作 空间

  • The above working space has had the fire protection dustproof security and so on facilities .

    上述 工作 区域具备了防火、防尘、防盗等设施。

  • A combined micro-gripper with high resolution and large working space is developed which integrates the linear micro motor and bimorph cantilever structure .

    将微直线电机宏动机构与双晶片压电 悬梁微动机构结合,研制高精度、 范围的组合式微夹持器。

  • It also offers the driver a comfortable working space and had space and fixation possibilities for a wheelchair .

    同时它也给司机很宽敞的 工作 空间,甚至还有放置固定轮椅的合适位置。

  • The plain firm structure the careful reasonable design cause entire machine to need the working space to reduce operation nimble simple .

    质朴坚固的构造、细致合理的设计,使全机所需 作业 空间缩小,操作灵活简便。

  • The most important setting in AfterEffects that needs to be adjusted is Linearize Working space in your project settings .

    在后遗症的最重要的设置,需要调整的是“ 工作 空间”,在您的项目设置线性化。

  • Because of limited working space in the underground small caliber pipeline multi-channel electromagnetic testing technology used on pipeline inspection faces many difficulties .

    由于小口径埋地管道的 工作 空间狭窄,多通道电磁检测技术在其研究应用面临大量的困难与问题。

  • The developed device can respond to the change of vapor-to-water ratio directly and can be used in small working space in the steam with high temperature and pressure .

    研制的测量装置直接对汽液两相流的比例变化产生响应,能够应用于高温高压及狭窄 工作 空间的输汽环境中。

  • The optimal cache size is obtained by examining the effective working space and the header of a trace .

    而快取记忆体的尺寸,则取决于有效 工作 空间和前置 空间的大小。

  • First said all grasps all matters in the oneself hand the very great degree extruded the next level of personnel working space let the next level of staff be at a loss how to proceed .

    首先说,把所有事情都抓在自己手里,很大程度挤压了下一级人员 工作 空间,让下一级工作人员无所适从。

  • When Endeavour returns to Earth it will be sent to a museum in California leaving only one working space shuttle .

    当奋进号 航天飞机返回地球的时候将被送往加利福尼亚一家博物馆,目前仅剩一架 正常 工作 航天飞机。

  • The Study on Preventive Measures of Hydrogen Sulfide Poisoning Accidents in Confined Working Space

    密闭有限 空间 作业场所硫化氢中毒防治措施研究

  • Principle and Implementation Method of Thre-Dimensional Precision Positioning in Large Field Working Space

    现场条件下大 空间三维精密定位原理与方法

  • By combining with the machining needs of parallel machine tools the working space and the law along with the variation of its autorotation angle were studied .

    结合并联机床的加工要求,研究了 工作 空间及其随自转角的变化规律。

  • Research on kinematics and working space of new typed 3 / 3-RRRS parallel mechanism with six degree of freedom

    新型3/3-RRRS6自由度并联机构的运动学及 工作 空间的研究