workable system

[ˈwə:kəbəl ˈsɪstəm][ˈwɜ:kəbəl ˈsistəm]


  • Activities to make corrections to play its due role it is necessary to establish a workable system of correction .

    要使更正活动发挥应有的作用,必须建立一套 切实 可行的更正 制度

  • The acquisition of the legal risks of building a prevention mechanism is mainly internal management needs from the outside in terms of a sound and comprehensive workable legal system and regulate the acquisition of government administrative supervision is a necessary safeguard .

    而构建并购法律风险的防范机制主要是企业内部管理的需要,从外部而言一个健全和完善的、 具有 操作 的并购法律 体系和规范的政府行政监督是必要的保障。

  • When he started work his colleagues did not think it was possible to create a workable system .

    当他开始研制时,他的同事们并不认为会有可能造出 实际 操作 系统来。

  • A workable Chinese grammar learning system should not only reveal the rule of Chinese grammar but also have its generative quality that shows to the learners the restricting factors process and result of the sentence generation .

    一个 合格的汉语语法学习 系统,不但能够展示汉语语法的规则,而且应该具有生成性,能够向学习者直观地揭示句子生成时的各种制约因素、生成过程和生成结果。

  • At present current relaying and distance relaying are applied widely as transmission protection but because of being workable with local power system information they have many difficulties on setting calculation and checkout and are not satisfied with protection capabilities .

    目前广泛应用的线路保护&利用单端电气 信息的电流保护和距离保护,它们不仅在整定计算、定值校验等方面存在着困难和问题,在保护性能方面也有许多不 尽如人意的地方。

  • Scientific staff remuneration system system and workable system of remuneration program is an important task in the process of enterprise human resource management a work that is also a must do a good job .

    科学合理的员工薪酬制度体系和 操作 的薪酬 制度方案,是企业人力资源管理过程中一项重要工作,也是企业必须认真做好的一项工作。

  • Workable Analysis of Supervisor System Replacing Class-Advisor System

    高校实行导师 取代班主任制的 可行性分析

  • Through debugging the passenger transport ticket affair integrated system based on Internet settles the project problem and reaches the design requirement . The system supplies a workable solution to this kind of system in practice .

    经调试表明,根据行业需要开发的基于Internet的客运票务综合系统解决了工程实际问题,达到了设计要求,为此类系统开发提供了一套 行之有效的解决 方案

  • The task of this research wants to use the Doppler navigation for designing a workable speed monitoring system and make deepen researches on the speed measurement principle .

    本课题在分析多普勒测速原理的基础上,利用多普勒频率法设计出一套 可行的速度监测 系统

  • If it is to have substantial results there must be a workable system of inspection with rewards and penalties .

    为了保证实效,应有切实 可行的检查和奖惩 制度

  • In the new situation when ethnic colleges and universities are facing many challenges setting up and improving a workable educational quality management system with characteristics is one of the important tasks of ethnic higher learning institutions in their reform and development .

    在新的形势下,民族高等院校面临着诸多挑战,建立和完善富有特色的、 切实 有效的教育质量管理 体系,是民族高等院校教育改革和发展的重要内容之一。

  • According to quantitative and workable principles the indexes system including economic benefit indexes social benefit indexes and ecological benefit indexes was developed .

    本着定量、 操作 的指标选取原则,按经济效益、社会效益、生态效益建立评价指标 体系

  • This doesn 't seem to me to be a workable system .

    我看这不像是一种 可行 制度

  • So it is necessary and workable to construct the teenager psychological-health assistant system as a whole .

    因此,整体构建青少年心理健康辅助 体系是必要的、 可行的。

  • The paper recollects the diversified opinions towards the targets and scope of contrastive linguistics discusses two principles for the establishment of a workable system for CL : ( 1 ) any academic discipline is formed vertically of four strata ;

    本文回顾了前人在对比语言学学科目标和范围上的各种意见,讨论了建立 学科 体系的两个基本原则,即1.所有学科从理论到实践都可以分成四个层级;

  • A reasonable and workable balance of thermal equilibrium experiment system was designed and by use of software BOOST of AVL company made the numerical simulation calculate of thermal equilibrium .

    本文设计了一套合理 可行的热平衡试验 系统,并结合BOOST软件对发动机热平衡进行了数值模拟计算。

  • Jimmy : In MVC1 it was a long way from File - > New Project to having a workable system .

    Jimmy:在 MVC1中,从新建项目开始,直到获得一个 可用 系统需要走很长的一段路。

  • Combined with the current situation of laboratory management and construction in our university this paper creates a workable laboratory quality management system which has been put into practice gradually in our laboratory construction and management .

    本文结合本校实验室管理与建设的现状,创建 切实 可行的实验室质量管理 体系,并逐步实施于实验室建设与管理等工作中。

  • Polish astronomer who produced a workable model of the solar system with the sun in the center ( 1473-1543 ) .

    制作出 运行的以太阳为中心的模型的波兰天文学家(1473-1543)。

  • This thesis aims to establish a scientific and reasonable and workable performance management system which can have a positive effect on promoting the high schools performance management in China .

    本文希望建立科学合理且 具有 操作 的绩效管理 体系,从而能对我国中学绩效管理工作的推进产生积极作用。

  • Workable system must be built on the basis of certain legal principles also must have the criteria and standards .

    可行 制度必须建立在一定的法律原理的基础上,必须能够有其依据的准则和标准。

  • A workable solution for VOD system Timeshared video - on - demand

    VOD 系统的一种 可行的解决方法&分时点播电视

  • However the pursuit of rationality as a value can not form a workable structure system and can not be institutionalized . The supported system of rationality it can only be hypothetical if the system is an entity that it absent .

    但理性作为一种价值追求根本不能形成 操作 的结构 体系,也无法制度化,支撑它的制度只能是虚设的,如果该制度是一个实体,理性就缺席了。

  • And with the development of the computer technology and information technology the time that CRM is realized workable system by using computer technology and information technology is coming .

    而随着计算机技术和信息技术的发展,将CRM经营理念融入企业管理系统,利用计算机技术和信息技术将其实现为 实用 系统的时代已经来临。

  • To establish and perfect encouraging system is to combine talents cultivating objectives of colleges stick to the principle of putting spiritual encouragement first and combining rewards with penalties establish scientific workable evaluation system and deepen encouragement both inside and outside .

    建立和完善活动激励机制就必须结合高校的育人目标,坚持精神激励为主、奖惩结合的原则,建立科学 可行的评估 体系,不断加大内、外激励的力度。

  • Based on this this paper audio-visual Business Logistics as the research object try to establish a more comprehensive accurate simple and workable for enterprise ERP system audio and video application effects evaluation system .

    基于此,本文以音像企业ERP为研究对象,尝试建立一个较为全面、准确、简单且 具有 操作 的适用于音像企业的ERP 系统应用效果评价体系。

  • At present most of the domestic research at the macro level or the theory of scattered details of the treatment and did not form a complete a workable system for administrative processing .

    目前国内的研究多集中在宏观的理论层面或者比较分散的处理细节,并没有形成一套完整的、具有 操作 的行政处理 制度

  • In this paper scientific effective and workable performance appraisal system will help B construction enterprise to improve the level of performance management and the benefit of B construction company .

    本文建立的科学、有效、 具有 操作 的绩效考核 体系将有助于B建工企业绩效管理水平和企业整体效益的提高。