work area

[wɚk ˈɛriə][wə:k ˈɛəriə]


  • Remove the plug connections from the work area .

    拆下 工作 的插头。

  • The work area and tools must be cleaned before working on the injection system .

    在对喷射系统进行作业前,必须清洁 工作 区域和工具。

  • Create a new site for this purpose and the work area will create the FTP-specific services .

    创建一个用于此用途的新站点, 工作 区域将创建与FTP相关的服务。

  • Anyone can share testing files by checking in and out from the work area which can be updated at any time by team members .

    任何人都能够通过检入和检出 工作 区域共享测试文件,任何团队成员都能够在任何时间对其进行更新。

  • The team can display the actions as wallpaper in the team 's work area .

    团队可以在其 工作 的墙纸墙上展示其行动。

  • Make sure that the work area is clean and clear of tool ( s ) and other items .

    确认 工作 区域干净并清点工具和其它用具。

  • Click Install in the work area and browse to your model .

    单击 工作 区域中的Install,找到您的模型。

  • The structure and composition of work area of blanking lower die were discussed in this paper .

    讨论了冲裁凹模 工作 部分的结构组成。

  • The work area boxes in green are those with methods and practices contents included in the initial release .

    绿色的 工作 区域框是带有最初版本中的方法和实践内容的。

  • ' The appearance of your desk or work area is hugely important . But it 's so personal .

    你的办公桌或 办公 的外观极其重要,但它又是非常私人的事情。

  • Move the Jack out of the work area .

    将千斤顶从 工作 中移出。

  • Replenish stock such as cups and straws return cart to medicine room and clean work area .

    补充用口,如药杯和吸管。推车返回药房,清洁 工作

  • Clean kitchen equipment cooking utensils and work area .

    清洁厨房设备、烹调工具和 工作

  • Move electric lines up out of the work area .

    将电线向上移出 工作 区域

  • Last night an accident occurred in a work area inaccessible to the public .

    昨晚在公众禁止进入的 作业 发生了一场事故。

  • Choose a department or work area to inspect for unsafe working conditions .

    选择某一部门或 工作 检查其不安全工作环境。

  • Users should clean up their work area when they leave the computer room .

    使用者应于离开电脑室前清理其座位 杂物

  • In the work area quite well .

    在该 小区 工作进行得相当顺利。

  • No table is open in the current work area .

    在当前 工作 中没有打开的表。

  • Preferably get away from your desk or your work area .

    最好离开办公桌或 工作

  • A variety of structure and shape of work area of blanking lower die were listed and were analysed in design and manufacture .

    列举了各种冲裁凹模 工作 部分的结构形式,并从设计和制造的角度进行了分析。

  • Work area number is reserved by the system .

    工作 区域编号由系统保留。

  • You won 't have to bother with a small work area and wish you had a larger space .

    您将不会有理会与一个小的 工作 ,并祝愿你有一个较大的空间。

  • Lower workshop Jack and move out of work area .

    降下车间千斤顶并移出 工作 区域

  • We have the different understanding of metamorphic rock in the work area then change the mixed granite and a part of migmatite into granite .


  • Confined work area under the engine carrier and front axle .

    发动机托架和前轴下有限的 工作

  • He cast his eyes at the rows of cabinets that filled the enormous work area

    他把目光投向那一排排挤占了巨大 工作 空间的柜子。

  • The seal of the respirator on the face should be fit-checked prior to wearing in the work area .

    在佩带至 工作 区域前,应对在脸上的呼吸器的密封作适应性检查。

  • All permits must be posted in the work area .

    所有工作许可证者必须置于 工作 区域