with bated breath


  • I waited for the results with bated breath .

    屏息等待结果的 公布

  • He waited for the news with bated breath .

    屏息 静气 等候消息。

  • We watched the daring feats of the acrobats with bated breath .

    我们 屏住 呼吸观看杂技演员的惊险的表演。

  • For fear of disturbing others she spoke with bated breath .

    因为怕打扰别人,她 低声说话。

  • Instead of looking for opportunities to invest in real products that will serve the needs of consumers Wall Street awaits the minutes of each Federal Open Market Committee meeting with bated breath hoping that qe3 and qe4 are just around the corner .

    每次联邦公开市场委员会(federalopenmarketcommittee)召开会议,华尔街都对其会议记录 屏息 以待,寄望于qe3或qe4很快出台,而不是寻找机会,投资于那些满足消费者需求的真实产品。

  • He waited for the announcement of the result of the competition with bated breath .

    屏息 静气 等待宣布竞赛结果。

  • We waited for the judge 's decision with bated breath .

    我们 屏息等待着法官的裁决。

  • We started certainly ; but in spite of the hot sun and the staring daylight the pirates no longer ran separate and shouting through the wood but kept side by side and spoke with bated breath .

    我们立刻又 重新上路,但尽管是在阳光灿烂的大白天,海盗们也不再分散着在树林里又是跑又是叫,而是 在了一起, 说话也 压低声音

  • She told the 1980 party conference : To those waiting with bated breath for that favourite media catch phrase the U-turn I have only one thing to say . You turn if you want to * the lady 's not for turning .

    在1980年的保守党会议上,撒切尔说道:我要对那些正 屏气凝神,等待着传媒所讲的‘180度掉头 成真的人说:如果你要掉头便由你,但本小姐绝不掉头。

  • The chairman 's remarks were so astounding that the audience listened to him with bated breath .

    主席说的话令人吃惊,所以听众 屏息听他说。

  • We listened with bated breath to Grandma 's stories of her travels .

    我们 屏住 呼吸听祖母讲述她的游历故事。

  • Every Monday the whole office used to wait with bated breath for his report

    过去每到周一,整个办公室 焦急地等待他的报告

  • We waited with bated breath to find out who had won .

    我们 屏住 呼吸看谁获胜。

  • Now 42 years later we all wait for that number with bated breath .

    如今,42年过后,我们所有人都 屏息等待 中国 公布这个数字。