without return

[wɪðˈaʊt rɪˈtɚn][wiˈðaut riˈtə:n]


  • It is of course true that without a return to sustained growth living standards will not improve .

    当然,同样正确的是, 如果 没有 回归持续增长,生活水平将不会提高。

  • A more relevant question for Detroit is whether it can hang on to post-earthquake market share gains and do so without a return to ruinous price competition .

    对于底特律来说,更加紧迫的问题是,它能否保住在日本地震后赢得的市场份额,并且是在 避免 回到恶性价格战的 情况 做到这一点。

  • We begin to move restlessly about if we feel time is slipping away without some return being this in terms of pleasure work value or rest .

    不管是 消遣,工作还是休息。有些人来自其它国家,时间观念与美国不同。

  • Mother gave me her love without asking for return How deep mother love is !

    妈妈无私地把爱给了我, 任何 回报。多么深沉的母爱啊!

  • Enterprises income tax is an amount of money that enterprises have to pay to the government without any return .

    企业所得税是企业 无偿向政府缴纳的一种费用,它的征收客观上造成了企业可支配财富的减少。

  • The result is showed that the family investment is the main part of training ; Enterprises income tax is an amount of money that enterprises have to pay to the government without any return .

    结果显示,黑龙江省青少年运动员培养经费主要来源于运动员缴纳的各项费用;企业所得税是企业 无偿向政府缴纳的一种费用,它的征收客观上造成了企业可支配财富的减少。

  • He did business without return .

    他去做生意 没有 回来 原意 他做生意没 赚到

  • But the idea of introducing a veto procedure without anything in return is a dream .

    但引入否决程序、 提供任何 相应 回报的想法是痴人说梦。

  • We designed a kind of data broadcast system based on HFC network without return paths .

    我们针对 缺乏 回传通道的传统有线电视网络,设计了一个基于HFC的数据广播系统。

  • Mr Chidambaram remained confident of meeting the 9 per cent target but warned that India needed to invest more in infrastructure to grow without triggering a return of the high inflation seen in 2006-07 .

    奇丹巴拉姆仍对实现9%的增长目标充满信心,但他警告称,要想在 引发2006年至2007年那种高通胀 重新抬头的情况下实现增长,印度必须加大基础设施方面的投资。

  • Yet there will be no return to fiscal stability in peripheral countries without a return to growth .

    然而, 恢复增长,欧元区边缘国家就不会恢复财政稳定性。

  • The extreme good and bad returns average out resulting in a reduction of risk without affecting expected return .

    把最好与最坏报酬的投资标的放在同一组合中抵销彼此,在 影响期望 报酬 ,降低风险;

  • Syria will never make peace without the return of territory now occupied by Israel .

    假如以色列 归还现在占领的领土,叙利亚绝对不会和解。

  • As a result of this antipattern the cost of IT rises without realizing any return on investment ( ROI ) .

    由于此反模式,IT成本将会上升, 没有实现任何投资 回报(ROI)。

  • Within the different crop straw treatment on the quality of tobacco rape straw wheat straw corn straw without straw return soil . 2 .

    就不同作物秸秆还田处理烟叶品质来看,油菜秸秆还田小麦秸秆还田玉米秸秆还田秸秆 还田

  • When the final procedure is machined working checking and accepting in accordance with intermediate tolerance can make parts quality and productivity further increase assembly more smoothly exchanging rate reaching 100 % and without return repairing .

    在机械加工最后一道工序时,按中间公差加工、按中间公差验收,可以令零件达到百分之百的互换,装配顺利, 返修,产品质量和生产率均可得到进一步的提高。

  • The other half are occupied from year to year and from generation to generation in producing things which are consumed and disappear without return ;

    另一半生产性劳动者则年复一年、代复一代地生产 没有 回报的、一 消费便消失的物品;

  • If yield occurs return must only occur without any accompanying return value .

    如果yield发生,return一定只发生在 没有伴随任何 返回值的 情况中。

  • Without having to return to your site frequently they will know exactly when you update or add content allowing them to save time and effort and they won 't miss anything either !

    用户 需频繁 返回您的站点,即可准确了解您进行的更新或添加的内容,从而使用户能够节省时间和精力,同时也不会错过任何更新!

  • No personal feelings without return .

    毋须私情, 回报

  • Study of how to convert recursive algorithm without return address


  • Charity given out of duty without expectation of return at the proper time and place and to a worthy person is considered to be in the mode of goodness .

    出于职责,在恰当的时间地点,向值得的人给予的布施, 完全 回报,这便是善良形态中的布施。

  • Industrial facilities are being built and market share won without concern for return .

    它们正在建设工业设施, 同时 不计 回报地赢得市场份额。

  • Will exit without a return value .

    将退出, 返回 任何值。

  • If your queries execute without error but return no data double-check the path expressions and namespace declarations in your query .

    如果查询能够执行,但是 没有 返回数据,那么请仔细检查查询中的路径表达式和名称空间声明。

  • The love of a father for his son or daughter where it is love at all is a broad generous sad contemplative giving without thought of return .

    父亲对儿子和女儿的爱,倘使有爱的话,是广大的、慷慨的、认真的, 深思远虑 报答的给予。

  • Today 's I without return only to pray in gift !

    今天的我 无以回报,只能借以默默的祈祷赠之!

  • And in our mail arrived an envelop without a return address .

    而我们邮箱里收到了一个信封,上面 没有发信人地址。

  • In the mind at analysis this also in the meantime the dozen have a Jing clock side without thinking return unique he .

    心里在分析这个人的同时也“打起了警钟”,边 不假思索 回绝了他。