with the result that

[wɪð ði rɪˈzʌlt ðæt][wið ðə riˈzʌlt ðæt]


  • The broad working masses were undaunted and persisted in their struggle with the result that the Qing government did not dare to conclude a new treaty with the imperialists .

    广大劳动人民坚持不懈地 进行斗争 终于迫使清政府不敢公然和帝国主义续订新约。

  • I was in the bath with the result that I didn 't hear the telephone .

    我正在浴室里洗澡 结果没有听见电话铃响。

  • Trade-deficit countries did not co-operate with the result that international trade all but collapsed .

    贸易逆差国家没有 之合作, 结果 国际贸易近乎崩溃。

  • Is political life orderly with the result that what differs without foreword ?

    政治生活有序 无序有什么不同 结果

  • We can find cherry blossoms blooming everywhere in Japanese novels paintings music and other art forms with the result that in a cultural sense Sakura seem to be constantly in bloom .

    我们可以发现,描写樱花盛开的日本小说,绘画,音乐和其他艺术形式 到处 ,在文化意义上说,似乎在樱花在不断盛开。

  • But we insisted upon their opening their ports to us with the result that after a turn or two of the wheel there arrived the disaster of Pearl Harbor and the fall of Singapore .

    结果 历史的车轮旋转一、两周之后,就发生了珍珠港的灾难和新加坡的沦陷。

  • It sounds as if everyone has been told they will be judged according to how seriously they take the Winning Organisation claptrap & with the result that some bright spark has had the genius idea of applying it to the dress code .

    听起来好像每个人都被告知,将根据他们对成功组织溢美之辞的重视程度来评判他们的表现& 结果 一些聪明人想到了把它应用于着装规范的天才想法。

  • Its superiority over earlier treatments was rapidly recognized with the result that there was little interest in preserving the earlier ones and they are now nearly all lost .

    其优势迅速早期治疗是公认的, 因此 很少有兴趣维护以前的,现在几乎所有的损失。

  • US and Chinese regulators have each re-examined the structure over the past couple of years with the result that it is here to stay he said .

    他说,美中两国监管机构过去两年里分别重新审查了该架构, 结果 架构保留到了现在。

  • The plot is quite complex as theories are given and visuals are produced to show how replicants can take over human beings with the result that the hero does not know really who he is .

    故事情节颇为复杂,透过多个理论及视觉 效果,解释复制人如何取代人类, 就是主角也不知道自己的真正身份。

  • First to you with the result that with the sincere salute !

    首先向您 致以诚挚的问候!

  • Disregarding China 's realities we set excessively high targets with the result that progress was slowed .

    目标过高,脱离了中国的实际, 结果发展反倒慢了。

  • He had been taken to see several of the bosses with the result that one had promised him a job the beginning of the next week .

    他已经接受了很多个老板的面试, 其中一个答应下星期初给他安排工作。

  • In most machines friction consumes effort with the result that less work is got out than is put in .

    在大多数机器中,摩擦要消耗功, 以致 造成输出的功要小于输入的功。

  • There is a shortage of cheap housing with the result that many people are leaving the city .

    由于缺乏廉价的住房, 结果很多人都要离开这个城市。

  • Changing something with the result that it becomes worse .

    事情 发生了更坏 变化。

  • Wind increased sharply with the result that evaporation went up remarkably .

    风明显增大 结果蒸发明显增强。

  • He threatened to resign and had a chat with my boss with the result that half of my job was taken away and given to him .

    他威胁要辞职,并与我的老板进行了谈话, 结果 老板将我的一半工作分给了他。

  • Too often a single set of standard costs is constructed to serve several dissimilar purposes with the result that many applications are faulty .

    另外,一套标准成本系统往往要为多个目的服务, 这样也会 产生问题。

  • And this inflow has made Beijing reluctant to raise interest rates with the result that real rates have been more negative this year than last .

    资本流入也使得中国不愿意加息, 结果 今年实际利率的负值比去年更大。

  • In practice the needs of the population are always underestimated with the result that there is a chronic shortage of half the necessities of life ;

    实际上,对于本国人口的需要,估计总是过低, 结果造成生活必需品有一半长期短缺;

  • I was in the bath with the result that I did not hear the telephone .

    那时我正在洗澡, 因此没有听到电话铃响。

  • With the result that the pipa is now one of China 's most important national instruments for solo accompaniment and ensemble recital .

    成为民族器乐家族中重要的独奏、伴奏和 合奏乐器。

  • It can also used for male hypophysis function shortage with the result that of the sexual function lowly disease and men and women 's menopause comprehensive disease .

    还可用于男性垂体功能不足 所致的性功能低下症及男女更年期综合症。

  • The company doubled its sale force with the result that the sale rise by 26 % .

    公司曾加了一倍销售人员 使销售额增加26%。

  • As the myth developed in the western world dragons came to represent the chaos of original matter with the result that with man 's awakening conscience a struggle arose and the created order constantly challenged the dragon 's power .

    跟西方世界里产生发展的神话一样,龙用人类 努力奋斗唤起的苏醒意识逐步描绘了最初物质的混沌状态,而创造的法则不断地挑战龙的力量。

  • However many consumers have been sceptical about the promised extra image detail – with the result that sales have not taken off as expected .

    但是,可以看出很多消费者对许诺的超高画质产生了 怀疑因为销售额没有像预期的那样高。

  • People do not behave in line with this theory with the result that others in financial markets do devise schemes that make money at their expense .

    人们没有按照这个理论行事, 结果 金融市场中的其他人确实会设计赚他们的钱。