He would use it to get what he wanted without compunction if it would help but not as though he was enamored of it ; rather as if he deemed people beneath contempt for being influenced by it .
倘若必要的话,他会 若无其事 地运用他的 美貌去得到他想得到的东西,不过,他好像 并不沉醉于自己的美貌,他似乎认为受自己的美貌影响的是最 不足挂齿的。
She keep me waiting without the slightest compunction .
她让我久等 毫 不 内疚。
She kept us waiting without the slightest compunction .
她一直让我们等着 却毫无 歉意。
He had lied to her without compunction .
他向她撒了谎却 毫无 愧疚。
Ended the relationship without compunction ;
毫 不 后悔 地结束了关系;
Some people can deceive others without compunction .
有些人可以 毫无 顾忌的欺骗他人。
She stood me up without compunction .
她 没有 良心 不 安让我空等。
I would have broken my word without compunction .
我会 毫无 内疚 地 食言。
To meet the threat of an enemy without compunction who sets the value of human life at naught governments will need to beef up both .
眼下的敌人 毫无 悔 疚 之 心, 视人命 如草芥;为应对其威胁,各国政府需加强以上两方面 搜集情报工作。
He stole the money without the slightest compunction .
他偷钱 却 丝毫不 感到 良心 受 谴责。
美[wɪðˈaʊt kəmˈpʌŋkʃən]英[wiˈðaut kəmˈpʌŋkʃən]