without a break

[wɪðˈaʊt e brek][wiˈðaut ə breik]


  • Im lonely only when I am overtired when I have worked too long without a break when from the time being I feel empty and need filling up .

    只有在我过度劳累的时候,在我长时间不断工作的 时侯,在我感到内心空虚,需要充实的时候,我才会感到寂寞。

  • Eg. he always work for five hours without a break in front of his computer .

    他总是在电脑前五小时一直 间断地工作。

  • How can you expect a six-year-old child to sit by the computer studying the whole morning without a break ?

    你怎么能要求一个6岁的孩子一上午坐在计算机旁学习也 休息 一下

  • Connecting without a break ; within a common boundary .

    没有 间隔的连接在一起;在共同的边界之内。

  • You see the whole thing is a chain of logical sequences without a break or flaw .

    你看,这件案子整个就是一条在逻辑上前后相连、 毫无 间断的链条。

  • They worked through the night without a break .

    他们 连续工作了 晚上

  • She 's worked for 27 hours without a break .

    她已连续工作了 二十七个小时。

  • Working without a break makes you more prone to error .

    连续工作 停歇使人更容易出错。

  • This limits how long people can be at work without a break or a holiday and caps the working week at 48 hours .

    工时指令对人们在 没有 休息或休假的 情况 能够工作多长时间做出了限制,并且将48小时定为每周工时的上限。

  • Over the last two weeks you have worked overtime every day without a break !

    过去的两周里,你们每天加班工作,一点儿也 没有 休息过。

  • The machine gunner fired off two magazines without a break The laser jet printer is out of order .

    机枪手一口气 打光 两梭子子弹。这台激光打印机 不能正常工作了。

  • You can not go on working without a break .

    人不能不停地工作 休息

  • They lay awake from eight till eight without a break .

    他们从晚上八点躺到早上八 一直是 的。

  • All last night the wind howled like a stray dog and the rain still pours on without a break .


  • I 've been writing since one o'clock without a break .

    我从一点钟起一直 写到现在。

  • In fact dreaming goes on night and day without a break .

    事实上, 分日夜都在作梦, 毫无 间断

  • With this machine gun you could never fire off more than two magazines without a break .

    用这种机枪射击,你不可能 一口气连射两夹子弹。

  • They worked without a break until about eight in the evening

    他们 地干到晚上8点钟左右。

  • She barely had enough to eat she said and often worked 30 hours without a break .

    她说,当时自己几乎吃 ,经常30个小时 连续工作。

  • The novel was so absorbing that she read on without a break even forgetting food and sleep .

    这本小说非常引人入胜,她 一口气下去,甚至废寝忘食。

  • We worked for four hours without a break .

    我们连续 地工作了四小时。

  • I worked without a break for two and a half hours .

    我一口气工作了两个半小时, 没有 休息

  • Work for five hours without a break .

    五小时一直 间断地工作。

  • Without a break I will flop .

    休息 一下我会倒地 起。

  • The doctors had worked without a break .

    医生们一直在 停顿地工作。

  • I watched it30 minutes without a break .

    我无法移开目光,忍 盯著看了30分钟。

  • He worked the whole day and night without a break .

    他一连干了 天一夜 歇气

  • She has been weeping since midnight without a break .

    她从 半夜一直哭到现在。

  • One is very talkative talking without a break from morning till night .

    一个很会说,从早到晚, 地说。