without reservation

[wɪðˈaʊt ˌrɛzɚˈveʃən][wiˈðaut ˌrezəˈveiʃən]


  • I support your proposal without reservation .


  • He accepted my advice without reservation .

    毫无 异议 接受了我的建议。

  • There is little doubt that Mr. Zhou is sufficiently prepared for the position he is applying for . I support his application without reservation .

    勿庸置疑,周先生已为他申请的职位作好了充分的准备。我 毫无 保留 支持他的申请。

  • The greater your confidence the easier it will be to execute your trades ( act on your edges without reservation or hesitation ) .

    你越自信,越容易执行交易(利用优势时 没有 保留或犹豫)。

  • They accepted the plan without reservation .

    他们 保留 接受了该项计划。

  • After three days the strikers ' demands were met almost without reservation .

    3天以后,罢工人员的要求几乎 全部得到了满足。

  • The content-focused texts require invariance in transfer of the contents and the linguistic form of the translation versions should be adapted without reservation to the idiom of the target language .

    对信息文本的翻译要求内容能够准确不变的传递,并且语言形式应当 毫无 保留 适应译语语言。

  • If we learn to love ourselves without reservation and to love the world in the same way the answer is simple .

    如果我们能 条件 爱自己,能够 条件地爱这个世界,答案就是简单的。

  • Each individual must by a social contract alienate all his natural rights without reservation to the whole community .

    每个个人都必须根据社会契约 毫无 保留 将其所有的自然权利让渡给整个团体。

  • If we accept late delivery or performance without reservation that shall not be deemed a renunciation of any damages to which we are entitled for late delivery or performance .

    如果我们 条件 接受延迟交付或延迟履行,不得视为我们放弃了我们就延迟交付或履行享有的损害赔偿请求权。

  • I support this measure without reservation ie completely wholeheartedly .

    毫无 保留地支持这一措施。

  • He imparted all he knew without reservation .

    毫无 保留地对菲尔丁讲述了他知道的全部真相。

  • Only the best traders cut their losses without reservation or hesitation when the market tells them the trade isn 't working .

    当市场告诉他们交易有问题时,只有最优秀的交易者止损, 不会保留或犹豫。

  • No matter what criticism you give me . I will accept it without reservation .

    不管你批评我什麽,我一律 毫无 保留 接受。

  • I agree with you without reservation .

    毫无 保留 同意你的 意见

  • Customers can 't buy an iPhone 5 without reservation due to Apple 's new online reservation system .

    如果 没有在苹果新的在线预订系统上 预定,顾客将不能购买iPhone5。

  • And gives two kinds of bandwidth allocation strategies : bandwidth reservation mode and bandwidth without reservation model .

    并给出两种带宽分配策略:带宽预留模式和带宽 预留模式的带宽分配策略。

  • In the bandwidth reservation mode general real-time scheduling algorithm can be used to scheduling the train control network communication . In the bandwidth without reservation mode a special scheduling method for real-time communication in train control network is given . 3 .

    带宽 预留模式中可采用通用典型实时调度算法对控制网络进行调度,在带宽预留模式中,采用本文提出的实时通信方法进行信息调度。

  • This means that staff can travel without reservation remote access can be more secure .

    这意味着出差人员可以 轻装上阵,远程访问也可以更加安全。

  • As a company listed on the Hong Kong stock exchange ZTE respects and adheres to international intellectual property laws and regulations without reservation and absolutely rejects that there has been any patent and trademark infringement ZTE said a statement .

    中兴通讯在一份声明中表示:作为一家香港上市公司,中兴一向 毫无 保留 尊重和遵守国际知识产权法律法规,并对任何专利和商标侵权行为予以坚决否认。

  • I accept you plan completely and without reservation .

    毫无 保留 完全接受你的计划。

  • They accepted the proposal without reservation .

    他们 保留 接受了这个建议。

  • They support the measures without reservation .

    他们 毫无 保留 支持这些措施。

  • After entry into WTO China must perform all WTO agreements and regulations without reservation and other choice .

    加入WTO之后,中国将 保留 履行WTO各项协议与规则,这将是必然的选择。

  • Ideas and thoughts major or minor correct or not were all aired without reservation .

    意见和想法,主要的还是次要的,正确的或不都播出 保留