without accident

[wɪðˈaʊt ˈæksɪdənt][wiˈðaut ˈæksidənt]


  • Without the slightest hint of irony he said the accident wos the best thing that had ever happened to him .

    丝毫 带讽刺地说,所 发生 事故对于他来说是件再好不过的事情了。

  • Most people live on their own in safety without ever having a serious accident .

    多数人一个人住很安全,从来都 没有发生过很严重的 事故

  • To inquire into insuring the safety and without the accident in the medical treatment practice it is introduced in this article that the ① holding the thought at the Prevent word going in the power ;

    为探讨在医疗实践中确保医疗安全 事故,本文介绍了1抓思想在防字上下功夫;

  • 57 patients who survived less than 5 years were all died of recurrence or metastasis without other serious diseases accident and obvious causation .

    术后5年内死亡的57例死因均为肿瘤复发或转移, 其它重大疾病、 意外 死亡或明显死因。

  • Regulatory responses do not deal with the basic problem identified in our question to the ministers five companies controlling 80 per cent of an industry without anyone noticing is an accident waiting to happen .

    监管回应并没有涉及我们向大臣们提出的基本问题5家公司控制着一个行业80%的市场份额, 人注意到一场 事故就在眼前。

  • As soon as he reached a greater height conditions became much steadier and he finished his journey without accident .

    他一飞上一定的高度,情况就稳定多了。他完成了这次飞行, 没有 发生 任何 事故

  • On basis of activity of Without Accident at Party member side held by Party branch of H_2SO_4 Manufacturer the successful experiences of safety work are summarized to perfect safety management and promote enterprise development .

    硫酸厂党组织以创建党员身边 事故活动为载体,总结安全工作四抓四严四促进的成功做法,得出三点,深刻体会,从而不断完善安全管理,促进企业发展。

  • It is something to be home again without an accident .


  • They came back without accident .

    他们回来了, 没有 什么 意外

  • With the help of local residents the taxi driver fortunately escaped from the car without any injuries but was in shock from the unexpected accident .

    在当地居民的帮助下,出租车司机幸运地从车里逃出。 虽然没有受伤,但被这突如其来的 意外 事故惊呆了。

  • The incident marked the second time Hori had been caught for driving without a license since it was revoked after a hit-and-run accident in August police said .

    警方声称,该老人8月曾引发了一次 事故。本次事故则是Hori自那以来第二次因 照驾驶被捕。

  • Quick-opening closure is a common pressure-bearing component in pressure vessel . Quick-opening closure is often opened with pressure or boosted without closing the door resulting in kinds of accident .

    快开端盖是压力容器中的一个常见的承压部件,快开端盖经常因带压开门或 关紧门升压导致各种 事故

  • My Id number affirms without by accident going up with bank card match .

    我的身份证号码确认 ,和银行卡上是匹配的。

  • 15 days the likelihood is about the same the bank should check your data only without by accident pawn can handle loan to you .

    十五天可能差不多了,银行只要将你的资料核实 并有抵押物就可以给你办贷款了。

  • Development of electro-hydraulic unloading and supervisory control system of emulsion pump aims at controlling the unloading of emulsion pump and supervising and controlling emulsion pump parameters and ensuring the hydraulic pressure bracket system works without accident .

    研制乳化液泵电液卸载及监控系统旨在控制乳化液泵的卸载,监控乳化液泵站工作的关键参数,以确保液压支架系统 正常 安全工作。

  • The night passed without accident .


  • The Foreign Secretary reached London in time for his work without an accident .

    这位外交大臣准时到伦敦做他的工作, 发生 意外

  • We got back without accident .

    我们 平安归来。

  • He has driven for two thousand hours without accident .

    他已 安全 行车2000个小时。

  • For comparison Japan has operated bullet trains for47 years without a fatal accident .

    相比之下,日本新干线已运营47年, 从未发生一次重大 事故

  • Choose the statute following the Civil Law tradition it has its reasons but not without accident of history .

    选择继受大陆法系的成文法传统固然有其原因,但也 不无历史的 偶然

  • After Chinese Road Communication Safety Law had past implemented many fields had given different idea and argument on it specially the article 76 about the motor vehicles liability without fault when motor vehicles had accident with non-vehicles and passerby .

    《道路交通安全法》自通过实施以来,各方面对该法尤其是第七十六条关于机动车与非机动车、行人之间发生的交通 事故采用 过错责任议论纷纷,争端不断。

  • Getting to / from a place without a car accident having the door held for you when your arms are full or being complimented for whatever reason .

    一路平安 没有 车祸 意外,你抱着一堆东西有人帮你开门,或是为了任何原因被称赞。

  • They came to the top of the stairs without accident and entered the little sitting-room .

    他们 平安无事的来到楼梯顶端,然后进入了小客厅。

  • At least we 're all home again without an accident . That 's something !

    至少我们又都 发生 意外地平安回到家!

  • But there are so many different hands grabbing for the steering wheel that the G20 will be lucky to survive without a serious accident .

    但鉴于这么多人在七手八脚地争夺方向盘,G20 出重大 事故就已属万幸。

  • Application of without accident control in well control equipment


  • Control technology without accident for 120t ladle

    120t钢包长周期 事故控制技术

  • Captain Cook safely navigated his ship without accident for 100 voyages

    库克船长驾驶的船安全出航100次 事故

  • Fatigue breakdown normally happens suddenly without any obvious symptom and bring out serious accident .

    疲劳破坏通常 没有明显预兆的情况下突然发生并造成严重 事故