witness testimony

[ˈwɪtnɪs ˈtɛstəˌmoni][ˈwitnis ˈtestiməni]


  • So in this article the author highlights on witness financial compensation and physical security safeguards and makes a collection of witness testimony outside court .

    在本文中,笔者着重强调了对证人出庭作证的经济补偿和人身安全的保障,并且提出了庭外 证人 证言的收集方式。

  • Combined with the deepening of our current reform of civil hearings this part put forward some easy-done suggestion and methods in our judicial practices in addition to analyzing the existing drawbacks of our current witness testimony system .

    这一部分结合当前的民事审判方式改革趋势的深化,在分析现行 证人 作证制度存在的不足外,提出了一些在司法审判实践中具有较强操作性的建议和办法。

  • Witness testimony is the first human use of judicial activities as evidence because of its direct and strong probative force of which is much emphasized both now and in the future the testimony of witnesses are all judicial activities of most of the evidence .

    证人 证言也是人类司法活动中最早使用的证据之一,因其具有直接性和很强的证明力而倍受重视,无论现在还是将来,证人证言都是司法活动中使用最多的证据。

  • First I analyze the concept and characteristics of an accomplice confession distinct Confessions of an accomplice and witness testimony .

    首先,分析了共犯自白的概念与特征,对共犯自白与 证人 证言加以区分。

  • The first part makes a detailed elaboration about the basic theory of witness system . For example the concept of witness the characteristics of the witness testimony the law value of witness and so on .

    第一部分对证人制度的基础理论如证人概念、 证人 证言特征、证人的法价值等进行详细阐述。

  • The article correspondingly suggests that the ascertainment of the witness testimony and expert conclusion evidence along with a judge 's discretion in the course of the evidence ascertainment should be improved .

    文章对 证人 证言和鉴定结论证据的认定以及法官在证据认定中的自由裁量权均提出了相应的完善建议。

  • The system of China 's criminal witness testimony is not a well-organized one especially in the protection of witness 's rights there 's almost a blank space .

    我国刑事 诉讼 证人 作证 程序体系不是很完善,在证人的权利保护方面,基本上是一片空白。

  • Impeachment evidence plays such a little role that it can not effectively reveal the incredibility of witness testimony .

    弹劾证据发挥的作用甚微,无法有效地揭露 证人 证言的不可信,这样不仅不利于程序正义的实现,更有损真相的发现。

  • Except embodied to some extent in the Some Regulations Regarding the Reform of Civil and Commercial Hearings promulgated by our Supreme Court the status and validity of our witness testimony and other 6 kinds of civil evidences have not been differentiated in our Civil Procedure Law .

    我国民事诉讼法对 证人 证言以及其他6种民事证据的地位以及证明 的大小未作区分,仅在最高人民法院《关于民事经济审判方式改革问题的若干规定》中有所体现。

  • Part 4 : The construction of the stain witness testimony system .

    第四部分:针对我国的实际,构建我国的污点 证人 豁免制度。

  • A Sino-British Comparison of the Practicability and the Related Test Measures of the Witness Testimony in Criminal Lawsuits ; To refrain from the use of abusive demeaning or humiliating language and opinions in oral or written communication with attorneys parties and witnesses .

    论中英两国刑事 证人 证言可采性标准及检测方法在与律师、当事人以及证人的口头或书面交流中避免辱骂性的、贬损性的或羞辱性的语言或意见。

  • In order to establish a scientific rational system of witness testimony at court many legal workers legal experts and scholars have made extensive and in-depth research and discussion .

    不少法律工作者、法学专家、学者为构建科学、理性的 证人 出庭 作证制度,作了广泛深入的研究和探讨。

  • The thesis comes directly to the point with materialism combined with the theories of relative subjects and forms some fresh viewpoints to the analysis on the theories of criminal witness testimony Thus we could see a new path to the theoretical research .

    本文开篇即从唯物主义的认识论入手,并结合与 证人 作证相关的学科的理论,引入了一些法律理论研究的新视角,拓开了较为新颖的研究途径。

  • The key point is to found presumption as well as tainted witness testimony and exemption system .

    四是确立若干适应职务犯罪侦查的 证据 制度,重点是建立推定和污点 证人 作证豁免制度。

  • Examination and Judgement of Witness Testimony in Civil Litigation

    民事诉讼 证人 证言的审查判断

  • Second : The status of witness testimony in civil litigation .

    第二部分: 证人 证言在民事诉讼中的地位。

  • In traditional society witness testimony with social forces is considered as juridical truth in dealing with disputes it has the legitimacy of priority .

    在传统社会, 那些拥有社会力 证人 证言被认为是审判性真理,在处理纠纷中具有优先的合法性。

  • The Law Commission recently published an educational paper total recall ? The reliability of witness testimony as a companion guide to a proposed code of evidence .

    最近,法律委员会发表了一篇有教育意义的论文(完全的回忆? 目击者 证言的可靠性)作为拟议中的“证据法规”的参考指南。

  • Therefore the question of the witness ' qualifications is the most important question among the witness system . The most important goal of the system of the witness ' qualifications is to safeguard the witness testimony for the greatest limit objective and the connection .

    因此,证人资格问题是证人制度的首要问题,证人资格制度涉及首要目的是为了最大限度地保障 证人 证言的客观性和关联性。

  • Speaking from the narrow sense the stain witness testimony system is the stain witness testimony immunity .

    从狭义上讲,污点 证人 作证制度就是指污点证人作证豁免制度。

  • In second the criminal procedure law reform in the system of witness testimony at court to lay the foundation of the rule of hearsay evidence .

    第二,刑事诉讼法改革中 证人 出庭 作证制度内容为传闻证据规则的构建奠定基础。

  • The examination of factuality and legality of witness testimony serves to judge its validity .

    审查 证人证言的真实性和合法性是为判断 证人 证言 证明 服务的。

  • Therefore the authenticity of the witness testimony is directly related to the investigation prosecution and even the outcome of the trial of cases affect the course of justice witnesses of perjury and it is in this context .

    因此, 证人 证言的真实性直接关系到侦查、起诉乃至案件的审判结果,影响司法公正,对证人的作伪证问题进行研究正是在这样的背景下提出的。

  • The analysis shows the scope of the witness and the concept of witness and the position of witness testimony in our country and then discusses the actionable value of the witness testimony in criminal action .

    通过分析比较,揭示出我国刑事诉讼中证人的范围及证人 证言的含义以及 证人 证言诉讼中的地位和意义,继而论述刑事诉讼中证人证言的诉讼价值。

  • Introduce the concept of witness and witness testimony in two law system countries .

    分别介绍两大法系国家关于证人及 证人 证言的概念。

  • Witness testimony is in our country legal evidence type one kind is human who refers to the understanding case real situation statement which does to the Judicial organ .

    证人 证言是我国法定证据种类中的一种,是指了解案件真实情况的人对司法机关所做的陈述。

  • Only through inquiring into the factuality and legality of witness testimony can the court judge its validity and use it as the basis of deciding the facts and merits of a case .

    证人 证言的真实性与合法性只有经过查证属实,法院才能判断其证明 ,才能以此作为认定案件事实的根据。

  • Third : The examination and judgement of the witness testimony .

    第三部分: 证人 证言的审查判断。