with child

[wɪð tʃaɪld][wið tʃaild]


  • Initially configure the AIX Kerberos client with child domain on the Windows AD server .

    首先, 针对WindowsAD服务器上的 子域配置AIXKerberos客户机。

  • Doctor said that guardian 's toilet articles must certainly with child 's separation child 's underwear underpants also probably wash alone .

    医生称,家长的洗漱用品一定要 孩子的分开,孩子的内衣内裤也要单独洗。

  • The tech giant knows that works hours can be demanding for many employees so it offers several benefits to parents who may need help with child care .

    这家科技巨头很清楚,对于许多员工而言,工作时间要求有些苛刻,所以公司为 儿童护理方面需要帮助的父母提供了许多福利。

  • I am with child and it seems like I have not become known .


  • The group is urging a nationwide boycott of toys manufactured with child labor .

    这个组织呼吁联合抵制雇佣 童工生产的玩具。

  • 1 and the man had connection with Eve his wife and she became with child and gave birth to cain and said I have got a man from the lord .

    有一日,那人和他妻子夏娃 同房。夏娃就 怀孕,生了该隐(就是得的意思),便说,耶和华使我得了一个男子。

  • Mary was told by the angel that she was with child .

    玛丽听天使说她 怀孕了。

  • How could you have the heart to let a woman heavy with child todo such a rough job ?

    你怎么能忍心让一个 肚子的女人干这样重的活呢?

  • She is big with child .

    她已有 多时,快 孩子了。

  • Mary was engaged to be married to Joseph a carpenter but before they came together she was found to be with child .

    玛丽娅已和木匠约瑟夫订婚。可是,订婚。可是,在他们同居之前,居之前,约瑟夫发现玛丽娅已怀孕。 丽娅怀孕

  • You had a love affair all summer and got this girl with child and now I suppose you 'll sneak off .

    整个夏天你闹恋爱,叫她 怀,现在大概你想溜走了。

  • She is heavy big w_45 with child again . ; She is in the family way again .

    她又 了。

  • Then a few moons later she became big with child although unmarried which caused much gossip .

    但是过了几个月,她虽然没有结婚, 肚子却大了,所以背后引起了很多议论。

  • One day then she perceived that she was with child and that part of her which remained pure trembled with joy .

    这一天,她发觉自己 怀孕了,她身上还残存的那么一点纯洁的思想,使她开心得全身哆嗦。

  • And then with child two people want to walk quietly I will smile asked her : Do you still remember ?

    然后 孩子,希望两个人静静地走一走,我会笑着问她:你还记得吗?

  • My wife is with child and my car is broken .

    我的妻子是 儿童和我的车坏了。

  • For the song I head more Italy classic love of education series every evening at bedtime stories I became with child pull and fold the distance of the most beautiful bridges this is a good time to let people miss !

    为了歌子,我床头多了意大利的名著《爱的教育》系列,每天晚上睡前故事,成了我 孩子拉折距离的最美桥梁,这是一段常常让人怀念的美好时光!

  • The nurse was obviously with child .

    那医生试了试,却显得 漫不经心

  • This is how the birth of Jesus Christ came about : His mother Mary was pledged to be married to Joseph but before they came together she was found to be with child through the Holy Spirit .

    耶稣基督降生的事记在下面:他母亲马利亚已经许配了约瑟,还没有迎娶,马利亚就从圣灵 怀

  • But woe to them that are with child and to them that give suck in those days !

    当那些日子,怀孕的和奶 孩子 祸了。

  • And the woman conceived and sent and told David and said I am with child .

    于是他怀了孕,打发人去告诉大卫说:「 怀

  • We all know that Blair is with child but there 's still one question lingering in Gossip Girl fans'minds : Who the heck got her pregnant ?

    编辑点评:绯闻女孩最大的悬念从第四季季末的布莱尔有没有怀孕,变成了现在的布莱尔的 孩子到底是谁的?

  • The position of women in society is also associated with child health and survival – of boys and girls .

    妇女在社会中的地位也 包括男童和女童的 儿童健康与存活相关。

  • Mary his mother was betrothed to Joseph ; before their marriage she found that she was with child by the Holy Spirit .

    他母亲马利亚当时已经许配给约瑟,但还未过门,马利亚发觉自从圣灵 怀

  • Her parents could help with child care while she works .

    她工作时父母可以帮忙照看 孩子

  • Error creating or communicating with child process

    创建 进程或 进程通讯时出错

  • We are urging shops not to carry goods made with child labour .

    我们要求商店不要出售 童工生产的商品。

  • We have been with child we have been in pain we have as it were brought forth wind ; we have not wrought any deliverance in the earth ; neither have the inhabitants of the world fallen .

    我们也曾 怀孕疼痛,所产的竟像风一样,我们在地上未曾行什么拯救的事。世上的居民也未曾败落。

  • She isn 't really getting fat ; she is with child ( or she 's in the family way ) .

    她不是发胖,是 身子