with a zest

[wɪð e zɛst][wið ə zest]


  • It brings with it the feeling of peace and rightness a new zest for living and a sense of completeness to every activity .

    它带来平静和良好的感觉, 新的对生活的 热情和一种对所有活动的圆满感。

  • Imagine when you push open the bathroom door exposure to which has been filled with red and surrounded by the romantic charm that 's how kind of a zest for life .

    想象一下,当您推开浴室的门,置身其中,被弥漫 的浪漫迷人红色所包围,那是怎么样的 生活 情趣

  • He approached every task with a boundless zest .

    无穷无尽的 热情处理了每一项任务。

  • I wrote with a zest that was quite strange to me and also with impatience to get back to the war .

    我的写作 热情让我自己也感到奇怪,也可能是由于我急于重返战场。

  • We need not flinch from the assertion that the main function of such a school is to produce men with a greater zest for business .

    无须讳言,这样一所学校的主要功能就是要培养 热心于商业的人才。