word table

[wɚd ˈtebəl][wə:d ˈteibl]


  • It has been over twenty years since the announcement of the standard spoken Chinese variant pronunciation word table of variant pronunciations . Many non-standard modern Chinese spoken languages still exist which bring a lot of inconvenience to people who study standard spoken Chinese .

    自《普通话异读 审音 》公布之日起,至今已有二十多年,不规范的读音在现代汉语口语中仍大量存在,给人们学习普通话带来了很大不便。

  • Then use sql to enter synonyms of each word in the table .

    然后,使用sql将每个 单词的同义词输入到 中。

  • Research on sentence sentiment classification based on Chinese sentiment word table

    基于汉语情感 词表的句子情感倾向分类研究

  • Exchange of data between Excel worksheet and Word table

    Excel工作表与 Word 表格的数据交换

  • In this paper with analyzing data exchanging between OLE object of user application and MS Word a method of data sharing between MIS and Word table have been given and its practicability as well as its validity have been confirmed with programming .

    本文通过对用户程序的OLE对象与MSWord的数据交换过程进行分析,提出了一种用户管理信息系统与 Word 表格之间的数据共享方案,并结合实际代码验证了该方案的实用性和有效性。

  • Provide many useful functions such as related phrase related word special symbol table homophone dictionary learning string color inking and sound effect * etc to make input easier .

    提供候选字、同音字、前后相关字、联想 词库、学习字串、字典、发音、全能键盘、特殊符号 、笔迹教学等功能,手写输入轻松自如。

  • The paper mainly introduces some field operations and use skills of computation in Word table .

    针对 Word 表格中的计算问题,主要介绍与其相关的域操作与使用技巧。

  • Investigate dialect word table entering tone words in Mandarin silver blue Zhongyuan Mandarin northeast of the assignment of dialects

    入声 在兰银官话、中原官话、东北方言中分派的 统计分析

  • Use the word table of Vocabulary of phonetic recognition for children to evaluate the child 's hearing recognition ability and the word table of Evaluation of the pronouncing articulation ability to test the clarity of the consonants vowels and tones .

    采用《构音语音能力评估》 词表进行幼儿声母、韵母、声调、构音清晰度评估。

  • The thesis has roughly 50 word 20 table .

    全文约5 万字20。

  • If you paste the data into a word table the paste Options button displays different paste options .

    如果将数据粘贴到 word 表格中,“粘贴选项”按钮将显示几个不同的粘贴选项。

  • The comparison of the new word table translation in two intermediate Chinese teaching materials

    两部中级汉语教材 生词 编译比较

  • This paper also discusses the differences between the Picto-phonetic characters and other words that have sound after the text we accompanied the word table of the Picto-phonetic characters in oracle-bone inscriptions and give a brief description of the word Example .

    论文也讨论了形声字与其他有声字的区别,正文后附有甲骨文形声 总表,并对字例作了简要说明。

  • Storage Conversion Between Unstructured Word Data Table and RDB

    非结构化 Word数据 与RDB间的存储转换

  • Field Operation of Computation in Word Table Resources Share Between Libraries in University Town

    WORD 表格计算中的域操作大学域图书馆资源共享研究

  • ADO Connection of Database Based on VC + + . NET and Word 's Table Automatic Production

    基于VC++.NET的ADO数据库连接与 Word 表格自动生成

  • This method can overcome the difficulty of data output in Excel worksheet to Word templates of table document and has a great convenience to management Excel worksheet in different ( levels ) and kinds of the department .

    这种方法能有效地解决Excel电子表格中的数据输出到 Word 表格中的困难,为各级各类单位的Excel电子表格的数据管理带来了很大的方便。

  • Auto-generating and loading the Chinese word scan table

    自动汉字 词组扫描 生成与加载

  • The records are listed in Word typed table in this document .

    在该文档中,记录被存放在 Word类型的 表格中。

  • To introduce the choice of subjects experimental word table design and experimental program to determine the basis for statistical analysis of the experimental data .

    在介绍实验对象的选择、实验 字表的设计和实验程序的确定的基础上,对实验数据进行统计分析。

  • In the Office Software the Word - Table and the Word - Documents are two essential application of Word which is indispensable to office work and is the basis of learning other applied softwares .

    在Office办公软件中, Word应用既是办公中不可缺少的,也是学习其它应用软件的基础,而其文档和 表格是必不可少的两大部分。

  • This paper presents the weighted linear combination method for the sentence sentiment classification based on Chinese sentiment word table .

    提出了一种基于汉语情感 词表的加权线性组合的句子情感分类方法。

  • The major functional components of an early office automation system include some universal affair works such as : word processing table typeset 、 document administration style management and so on .

    早期的办公自动化系统(OfficeAutomationSystem,简称OAS)主要负责 文字处理、 表格编制、文档管理、行文管理等一般性事务工作。

  • I couldn 't find him-I left word at his table .

    我找不到他,就在他 留了 条子

  • By using a simple program English characters and Chinese characters in computer are arranged into a whole word table ;

    通过一个简单的程序,把计算机中的英、汉字符集按内码编排为一个总 字表

  • This code simply inserts a new row into the word table .

    这个代码只是向 word 插入一个新行。

  • When watermarks are to be embedded and extracted it first uses a replacement word table to select a word and its replacement word in every watermarking sentence .

    首先,在水印嵌入和提取时,根据替换 词表对每个水印句子检索出一个原单词,并根据替换 词表找出替换词。

  • Choosing first name can only use two Chinese characters of the legal word table .

    取名只能使用法定 字表中的两个汉字。

  • And analyze how the Chinese character symbol expression ; resemble the superiority and the Latin word mark table internationalization concise advantages . Finally the field of visual communication discusses the text in the packaging design web design advertising design the application of different media .

    并试析了汉字标志表意、象形的优势与拉丁 文字标志 表音、国际化、简洁的优势。最后,就视觉传达领域,探讨了文字在包装设计、网页设计、广告设计不同媒介的应用。