


  • After he went to bed that night I quickly took his shoes and went out to the woodshed .

    当天晚上, 爸爸就寝之后,我马上把他的鞋 拿到 棚里

  • Arable complained he was moved to a bigger box in the woodshed .

    接着阿瑞博 太太 开始抱怨了, 于是他被转移到 一个更大的盒子

  • The woodshed was burnt down in half an hour .

    半个小时 木屋 烧毁了。

  • The woodshed burned down in half an hour .

    半个小时 烧光了。

  • The back porch adjoined a big woodshed stocked with fuel for the stoves .

    走廊旁边是一个大 ,里面堆放着火炉的燃料。

  • She won 't let me sleep in the woodshed ;

    她不让我在 棚里睡觉。

  • I 'm gonna take him out to the woodshed have a little talk .

    我要带他到 棚里 好好谈谈。

  • The swallows are nesting in the woodshed .

    燕子正在 小棚里筑巢

  • ' Gold had a miserable 2013 & this thing has been taken out to the woodshed so I see some value here ' Mr. Larkin said .

    拉金说,黄金经过了2013年痛苦的一年, 金价 暴跌,所以我认为现在黄金有一定的投资价值。