the great beyond

[ði ɡret biˈɑnd][ðə ɡreit biˈjɔnd]


  • The operational problem of great number which goes beyond the most efficient digit of the computer 's system is solued by the definition number group ard relevant process .

    通过定义教组及过程进行 数运算.所谓 数即 超过计算机语言编译系统最大有效位数的数。

  • But one thing that troubles me about the Olympics is that the pressure to be faster higher stronger is so great sometimes that it passes beyond the point where it 's healthy .

    但是我感到困扰的是在奥林匹克 重压下,更快,更高,更强有时太 过分超过了健康的观点。

  • Young columbus dream of cross the ocean someday to the great beyond

    年轻时的哥伦布梦想有一日渡过大洋到达 远方 彼岸

  • It is my pleasure to unveil this plaque in honour of the great man who was born here . Beyond it is the grey stone church with its memorial tablets to generations of departed squires .

    我很高兴能为纪念这位出生在这儿 伟人 举行揭匾典礼。再 远处是一座用灰石砌成的教堂,墙上有历代乡绅的纪念匾。

  • The needs of these churches are great according to a pastor Vision Beyond Borders works with .

    需要,这些教堂是 巨大的,据一名牧师视觉作品 超越国界的。

  • All symbols are but keys to doors leading to truths and many times the door is not opened because the key seems so great that the things which are beyond it are not visible .

    所有的符号(即文字&译注)仅是通向真理大门的钥匙,而许多时期以来门没有被打开是因为钥匙显得如此 伟大以致 人们看不见其 后面的真理。

  • A repeated levying taxs and high burden of taxation account for the great increase of tax revenues since 1994 far beyond GDP growing rate .

    税收收入自1994年以来一直持续高速增长,大大 超出GDP增速, 国民经济 高速增长的原因,也有重复征税、税负过高的因素。

  • She had seen the world and lived with great people and raised herself far beyond her original humble station .

    她见过了 世面,结识了 人物,地位 从前高得多。

  • The notions we children were able to form of the great world beyond were exceedingly nebulous

    我们这些孩子所能形成的对外 世界的 认识是非常模糊的。

  • Compared with previous values the values Ralston said is a great theory beyond .

    与以往的价值观相比,罗尔斯顿 价值观无疑是一 理论 超越

  • Parts of the great disk are obscured by dust and beyond one of those dusty blots near the teapot of the constellation Sagittarius lies the center of the Milky Way .

    这个 碟子的一些部分因为尘埃而显得模糊, 其中一个模糊点 之外,靠近人马星座茶壶的地方,就是银河系的中心。

  • For most of those years it has been profitable in that my salary is its only substantial expense . If email newsletters were on the precipice of the Great Beyond no one bothered to tell me my readers or my advertisers .

    这么些年来,大部分时间都是盈利的,因为我的工资是它唯一一项大的支出。如果说电邮通讯快挂 怎么没人告诉我、我的读者还有我的 广告客户

  • Her bewitching smile prevented me from passing into the Great Beyond .

    她迷人的微笑阻止我进入 伟大 超越

  • The model holds great promise and provides a roadmap for moving beyond historical IT integration and development challenges .

    这个模型承载了 伟大的承诺,提供了 超越历史IT集成和开发挑战的路线图。

  • Within the Great Central Sun all exists in a phase of evolution beyond unity known as living in the ONE .

    中央太阳内部,所有一切存在于统一 之上的进化阶段即生活在全一中。

  • Classroom is one of the important venues of learning and practicing the language . However a great amount of practice beyond classroom is essential to a successful learning .

    课堂教学只是外语学习中重要的学习和实践场所之一,课堂 之外 大量接触和实践才是外语学习成功的保证。

  • What can we poor human beings know of the great beyond ?

    我们可怜的 种能晓得往 什么 情形呢?

  • Sputnik is the first satellite to enter the great beyond of space .

    苏联人造地球卫星是进入 未知空间的第一颗人造卫星。

  • Jeff and his management team realized the young brand were still appliable enough to be expanded to meet great customer-central experiences beyond books .

    杰夫和他的管理团队意识到,年轻的品牌是可以继续扩张,来满足 书籍大量消费者为中心的经验。

  • The present research has great significance beyond this century for both a change in the present situation and the development of the theory of geography instruction .

    不论是改变地理学科现状,还是促进地理教学理论发展, 研究都有 十分 重要 世纪的意义。

  • Round-the-Qinghai Lake race have become a famous signboard of sport in the highland of Qinghai and have exerted great influence beyond sport itself .

    “环湖赛”已成为青海高原特色 体育品牌,它产生的社会效应也 远远 超出了体育活动本身。

  • Private foundations take an immeasurable effect to society development especially to the development of American higher education which has the great use beyond that of other national foundations .

    私人基金会对美国社会的发展产生着 巨大影响,尤其是对美国高等教育的发展起到不可估量的重要作用,这是其他国家基金会所无法 比拟的。

  • Over the past decades there are a great number of researches on metaphor beyond the limitation of traditional rhetoric .

    在过去几十年,有 众多关于隐喻的研究 超越了传统修辞学的界限。

  • Ran jin zu although the innovation of ancestral academic thinking but in the early Qing rulers have the Neo-Confucianism as a rule under the guiding ideology can not and dare not great beyond .

    冉觐祖的学术思想虽有创新之处,但在清初统治者把程朱理学作为统治 指导思想下,不可能也不敢 很大 超越

  • All the great houses had to move beyond their founding geniuses : Coco Chanel died one must remember and so did Cristobal Balenciaga and Yves Saint Laurent .

    所有 伟大的时装品牌都得 超越自己天才的缔造者。要知道,可可·香奈儿(CocoChanel)已经去世,克里斯托瓦尔·巴伦夏卡(CristobalBalenciaga)和伊夫·圣·洛朗(YvesSaintLaurent)也一样。

  • Encountering severe challenges arising from population aging in the transition process from plan-oriented economy to market-oriented economy we find that the demand for pension system in China is in great and urgent need while its supply is far beyond satisfaction .

    中国正处于由计划经济向市场经济转型的过程中,中国人口老龄化状况也日趋严重,对于年金制度存在 巨大 需求,但是养老年金制度的供给尚 不能尽如人意。

  • The language of the Great Central Sun is beyond the Language of Light that our channel has brought forth .

    中枢太阳的语言 超越了我们通灵管道所带来的光之语。

  • Doing research on Scripture of the Great Peace which is one of the rare works to reveal the literary consciousness of the ordinary people may explore its great value beyond our imagination .

    对罕见地反映了 下层民众的文学意识的《太平经》作一些探讨,就有可能发掘出它的 重要价值,这或许会 超乎我们的想象。