the hosts of heaven


  • He created The Hosts of Heaven ( painting 1983 ) Rising & Quiet Twilight ( painting 1984 ) and a series of modernist works .

    他创作了 日月 星辰 (油画,1983年)、《升起-安静的曙光》(油画,1984)等一批现代主义风格的作品。

  • Our forerunners studied chronometer geography and sociology and realized that variety of waxing and waning of yin-yang was influenced by the hosts of heaven at the time when they observed the tight relationship between the hosts of heaven and the rhythm of natural phenomena .

    古人仰观天文、 俯察地理、中知人事,从观察日月星辰与大自然现象节律变化的紧密联系性,进而了解人体阴阳消长的变化亦同自然界是受到 日月 星辰的影响。