the small of the back

[ði smɔl ʌv ði bæk][ðə smɔ:l ɔv ðə bæk]


  • The fundamental theory of Kirchhoff approximation and small Perturbation approximation is expounded and the influence of surface roughness dielectric constant on the back scattering features is analyzed .

    阐述了粗糙面电磁散射的基尔霍夫近似法和 扰近似法原理,数值分析了粗糙面的粗糙度和介电常数对 向散射特性的影响。

  • The wound was small but the point of the blade had touched the heart of the victim who lay on his back pale fixed dead as if he had scarcely moved after the infliction of the blow .

    伤口虽然 不大,但是刀尖已经刺着了死者的心脏,死者 仰面躺在床上,脸色苍白,身体僵硬,已经死了,仿佛他在被刺了一刀以后几乎就没有动过。

  • Cassandra silenced him with a sharp dig in the small of the back .

    卡桑德拉使劲戳了一下他的 后腰,让他住嘴。

  • When Harry was similarly hit by Crabbe 's illegal Bludger in the small of the back he was only winded ( OP19 ) .

    同样的,当哈利被克拉布违反规则的游走 击中 背部时,他只是喘气(凤凰社,第十九章)。

  • The small size of count and the fastness of tennis ball demand the player move swiftly if he wants to strike back the ball with sudden spurt of energy as well as within his full control .

    网球运动尽管 场地不算大, 球速很快,运动员必须要快速移动,才能击出有爆发力和良好控制的球。

  • From the dark and illuminated I-V and C-V measurements higher efficiency has been demonstrated for the small area CdTe solar cells of ZnTe / ZnTe : Cu / Ni . And this kind of solar cells shows better performance than those with the other back contacts .

    通过电池的光、暗I-V和C-V特性测试,以ZnTe/ZnTe:Cu/Ni为背接触 面积太阳电池,其性能优于其它 接触 电池。

  • Objective : The observation according to rubs the sides of the small of the back group hole primarily to treat the waist strain the clinical curative effect .

    目的:观察按揉 腰眼组穴为主治疗腰部劳损的临床疗效。

  • Bring about fiber of film of muscle of flesh of the small of the back to knit phlogistic reason basically have : ( 1 ) cold : This is the reason that sees at most .

    导致 背部肌筋膜纤维织炎的原因,主要有:(1)寒冷:这是最多见的原因。

  • The stability and small dynamic errors could be confirmed by using the method of composite control in which the pitch angular rate of barbette sensed by INS was feed back and compensated in advance .

    用复合控制 惯导系统测量的炮塔俯仰转动角速度(扰动角速度) 反馈到控制前端,进行预先补偿,可保证 的瞬态误差和系统 稳定性。

  • But there was an added drag now from the easterly breeze and the old man rode gently with the small sea and the hurt of the cord across his back came to him easily and smoothly .

    不过这时东风给船增加了一份阻力,老人随着 不大的海浪缓缓漂流,钓索勒在他 感觉变得舒适而温和些了。

  • Feel how soft the skin is in the small of the back

    感觉一 下腰 背部皮肤 柔滑。

  • To avoid using a bowl place the food on a small scrap of newspaper and then place the trap on top of the food so the food is far in the back of the trap .

    为了避免使用一个碗,放食物在报纸的 小小片上然后放圈套在食物的顶端上因此食物是远的在圈套的 后面

  • Across the rivers great and small stretched the fish weirs usually made of stakes and nets or basketwork . I passed much of the trip looking back at the fish as they sloshed around in their baskets .

    大河 小溪上都横跨着鱼梁,它们通常是以木桩栅、网或篮篓作成的。大部分 旅途中我都转过头看 后面的鱼,看着它们在篮筐里扑腾。

  • The small German town of Mittenwalde could become one of the richest in the world if officials in Berlin were to pay back the long-outstanding debt .

    柏林官员如果的确要赔付债务的话,那这个名为 Mittenwalde 小镇将成为世界上 富有的小镇。

  • The Patch as it 's commonly known is a small Band-Aid-like device applied directly to the skin of the arm chest upper back or hip .

    通常 这种贴片很 ,就像创可贴,可以直接接触皮肤上。贴于手臂,胸,上 或臀部皆可。

  • At the small table a table for four of five the seat right across of the host seat the seat over there the back of which is facing the door is the seat for the main guest .

    一张坐四五个人 桌子,与主人 座位相对应的 对着门的那个位置则是被邀请的主客坐的位置。