the inner man

[ði ˈɪnɚ mæn][ðə ˈinə mæn]


  • In her novel on Taylor she tries to uncover the inner man .

    在那本关于泰勒的小说中,她试图揭示出 他的 内心 世界

  • Dostoevsky created a unique area of the tragedy - the inner life of man which give his work a unique aesthetic value .

    陀思妥耶夫斯基悲剧创作具有独特的领域& 内心生活,这使他的作品具有独特的审美价值。

  • Then the inner city is illuminated and man is reborn into a new dimension of existence a new area of experience .

    于是, 内部城市被照亮了,而 人类在一个新的生存空间,新的经验领域里获得重生。

  • In fact this unconsciousness is essential to true dignity of manner and to the inner and outer harmony that characterizes the well-bred man .

    事实上,这种不在意的态度,正是高雅的本质,也是有教养的 表现出来 内外协调一致的特征。

  • From the inner mind the writers also reveal modern man 's ethical predicament and the possibility of surpassing it .

    作家从心理 世界的纵 深处反身向外,揭示现代 所面临的伦理困境与超越的可能。

  • Rom.7:22 For I delight in the law of God according to the inner man .

    罗七22因为按著 里面 ,我是喜欢神的律。

  • In such case it would refer to the field of our inner man of our heart .

    这样,它就专指我们 内心 领域, 那里是我们应该播种的土壤。

  • The third mainly describes the inner spring of man 's pursuit of happy life underlining that only those nurturing excellent moral merits can win real happiness for different moralities lead to diversified life significance and behaviors .

    性善论则主要在于 表明人获得幸福生活 内在依据,强调 人类自身中间,不同的道德品性造就不同的生存意义与行为方式,只有培育优良道德 禀性的人才能获得真正的幸福。

  • With the evolution of the inner ecological balance between man and nature man and animals nature and nature and among animals themselves the hunting culture has acquired its own unique features in the long historical course of changes .

    狩错文化随着 与自然、人与动物、动物与自然及动物与动物之间 内部生态平衡规律,走过漫长的历史变革进程,并形成了其独有的特色。

  • Emphasis was placed on the spiritual qualities of the painting and on the ability of the artist to reveal the inner harmony of man and nature as perceived according to Taoist and Buddhist concepts .

    重点放在了绘画的精神特质和艺术家的能力,揭示了 与自然 内在和谐,自觉按照道教和佛教的概念。

  • The overdeveloped industrialism also results hi rationalism which in turn further suppresses the inner Nature of man .

    过度发展的工业也导致了理性主义的肆虐,它反过来进一步压抑 内在天性。

  • The ideas stated above manifest that people in Zhou Dynasty attach importance to freedom of morality which exists in the inner heart of man rather than in the external forces .

    以上思想说明了周人重视道德自由,而自由 根据 在于 的自身之中,而并非依靠任何外在的力量。

  • A good viography should allow you to glimpse the inner man .

    一本好的传记能够让你看到 灵魂

  • The inner contradictions between human beings man and nature man and himself indicate that sustainable development in essence is consistent with global problems .

    人与人、 与自然以及人与自我这三重关系 内在矛盾表明,可持续发展问题在实质上与全球性问题具有内在一致性。

  • All education originates from the inner soul of man all external arrangements or events can only initiate but not cause education .

    教育行为是来源于 内在思想,外在的条件只能诱使教育的发生,而不是教育发生的根本原因。

  • Up till now the inner man has identified himself with his forms and with their active modifications .

    以此 自我 内在 形式认同于现行的转变。

  • Shall we never arrive at such perfection in the study of the passions that it will be useless to prosecute further that study of the inner man ?

    难道我们在研究感情方面,就永远不能达到这样一个尽善尽美的境界,使得进一步去考察 内心 世界成为没有必要的了吗?

  • Hemingway leaves us his profound reflection of human society . With dauntless spirit and refined manner Hemingway reveals what exists in human society in the inner world of human beings and between man and woman .

    海明威留给人们的是他对人类社会的深沉思考,他以无畏的精神大胆揭示人类社会、人 内心世界、 男人和女人之间感情的真实风貌。

  • She said that she had spent two hours in repairing the outer man and hinted that she should like to refresh the inner man .

    她说她已经补了两个钟头的 衣裳,并且暗示她想吃点东西。

  • This article reveals the inner relationship between all - round development of man and culture construction and discusses how to combine it with practical work .

    文章主要揭示了 促进 的全面发展与文化建设 内在联系,结合工作实际论述了如何在文化建设中促进 的全面发展。

  • The inner contradictions of man 's cognitive ability is the main link of the truth procedure ;

    的认识能力 内在矛盾是真理过程性的主体性环节;

  • Building the eco-civilization is in essence the inner requirement for the balanced development of man and nature which can settle the conflict between man and nature and is the strategy to balance development of man and nature .

    建设生态文明在本质上反映了统筹人与自然和谐发展 内在要求,为化解 与自然和谐发展的突出问题提供现实手段,是统筹人与自然和谐发展的战略途径。

  • Mythologies reveal the common inner structure of man 's mind which is also an important starting point of the structuralism dissemination theory .

    神话思维蕴藏着 人类心灵的普遍 内在结构,也是结构主义传播理论研究的重要起点。

  • To create is to try to change all that around with the inner power only when a man is intergrated can he be possibly engaged in creative activity .

    创造是 以内在的力量设法改造周围的一切,一 个人要整合之后才有可能性从事创造活动。

  • Refresh with a meal ; entertain the inner man .

    饭饱 使 精神振作;使精神满足。

  • The general meaning of education lies in the change of man and the change of man is an inter-transformation of the inner and outer worlds of man .

    教育的一般涵义在于人的改变,而人的改变是 、外部世界之间的相互转化。

  • The second style not developed fully until the20th century seeks to portray the inner sensibility of man .

    第二种流派直到20世纪才完全定型,这种流派力主揭示 内在情感。

  • Hence irrationalism enriched and deepened Lawrence 's understanding of the inner world of modern man and enforced the social critical strength of his works .

    非理性主义丰富和深化了劳伦斯对现代 心理世界 理解,加强了他的小说的社会批判力量。

  • So is the inner core of man .

    这是 人们 内在的核心。