the other way around

[ði ˈʌðər we əˈraʊnd][ðə ˈʌðə(r wei əˈraund]


  • Maybe it 's the other way around . I forget .

    也许还有 其他 出路,我忘了。

  • And of course if you went clockwise it would be the other way around .

    当然,也可以顺时针 来看的。

  • We think that punishment deters crime but it just might be the other way around .

    我们认为惩罚会阻止犯罪,可是情况恰恰 相反

  • Jeff : For once it 's me giving you advice and not the other way around !

    杰夫:这次是我给你的建议,往常正好 反过来

  • But it 's the other way around for this one .

    但是这个头骨却正好 相反

  • Wait a minute it 's the other way around . You 're the ones that .

    等一下,那是 。你们是阻挡去路的人。

  • They would all say it was the other way around .

    他们说这只是 不同 方式 罢了

  • Happiness can lead to success rather than just the other way around .

    快乐可导致成功,而不是 反过来

  • It 's the other way around . I 'm sad to leave my family here .

    恰恰 相反。离开家人让我感到难过。

  • Rules never quite keep up with reality because rules come from experience not the other way around .

    规则不是十分符合现实,因为规则来自经验,而不是经验 来自规则。

  • You are in control of your mind not the other way around .

    你可以控制你的头脑,而不是 控制

  • You should tell the service provider what is important to you not the other way around .

    投行只是服务提供商,应该由你来告诉他们什么是重要的;而不是 相反,你唯他们 马首是瞻

  • About how the Indo-Europeans came from India and not the other way around .

    印欧人哪儿都不是 就是来自印度如何?

  • You should answer my questions not the other way around .

    你应该回答我的问题,而不是 发问

  • If you don 't mind my saying so I think it 's the other way around .

    请别介意我这么说,我觉得这不是问题 所在

  • If we had been on the planet with left-handed coordinate systems then actually our conventions would be all the other way around but they are this way .

    如果是在一个习惯左手系的星球上, 那样我们的习惯会完全 相反,就是这样了。

  • Nx-My See we 've said curl is Nx minus My and not the other way around .

    我们看到了旋度是,而不是 反过来的。

  • You are going in the wrong direction . It 's the other way around .

    走错路了,方向正好 相反

  • To much of the rest of the world however it looks the other way around .

    然而,对于世界上的许多其他国家来说,情况正好 相反

  • Praise it when it's80 % effective.4.Accept it whenever it 's the other way around .

    表扬它当 80%是有效的.4,接受它,就算它是 其他 任何的情况。

  • Instead of the other way around ?

    而不是 相反 过来

  • After all a capital market exists to serve the needs of entrepreneurs not the other way around .

    毕竟,资本市场的存在是为了满足企业家的需要,而不是 相反

  • And we lead with the belief that right makes might & not the other way around .

    我们秉持我们的信念发挥领导作用,坚信正义就是力量而不是 相反

  • People went for the politics but stayed for the party or was it the other way around ?

    人们为政治而去,为聚会而留,或者该 反过来

  • You 'd think you were the one who did me the favor and not the other way around .

    应该是你帮了我,而不是我 了你。

  • In many ways the document-oriented database does things the other way around .

    在很多情况下,面向文档数据库 采用 相反 方法处理 事情

  • The other way around I sometimes feel that the West is not fully understood in China .

    又说 回来,我有时感觉中国对西方世界的了解也是不够全面的。

  • The website must always provide solutions that work for people not the other way around .

    网站必须能够为人们提供切实有效的解决方案,而不是 其他 方式

  • Would you be surprised if that was allowed to happen the other way around in the final three races ?

    如果在最后三站比赛中马萨也被获准 另外一种 方式 打败你,你会觉得吃惊吗?