the pick of the basket

[ði pɪk ʌv ði ˈbæskɪt][ðə pik ɔv ðə ˈbɑ:skit]


  • Hampered further by the Bundesliga 's lack of allure they have instead preferred to pick up the best of the domestic talent and the odd South American from the bargain basket .

    由于 德甲缺乏诱惑力,他们把兴趣转向最好 本土人才以及便宜的南美球员。

  • Chinese Wushu is the pick of the basket in traditional athletic culture derived and developed from ancient Chinese military craft .

    中华武术是从我国古代军事技艺中衍生并发展起来的一 传统体育 奇葩

  • The city open space is the pick of the basket of a city . The special local culture and contextual feature merge into the landscape architecture which is an effective method to avoid similarity in planning and design of the city open space .

    城市公共空间是城市景观 精华所在, 如何 具有特色的地方文化和独有的地域文脉与景观设计相结合,构成地区的标志性景观,是避免当前城市公共空间规划设计中手法雷同的有效手段。

  • At the same time because art remain with all mankind we must broadly absorb the pick of the basket of foreign art and continuously supply new qualities for the development of Chinese canvas .

    同时,因为艺术是属于全人类的,我们还要广泛 吸取外来艺术 精华,不断的为中国油画的发展补充新质。

  • When we study painting art we must inherit traditional national cultures and strengthen the absorption and using of the pick of the basket of different national cultures .

    我们在深入学习绘画艺术时应该注重 民族传统文化的继承,同时也要加强对不同民族 文艺 精髓 吸取和利用。