the upper regions


  • The anterior thigh region was divided into anterolateral thigh region and anteromedial thigh region which was further divided into upper middle and lower regions .

    将股前区分为股前外侧区和股前内侧区,其再分为 、中、下3个 区域

  • Relating to the firmament or upper regions .

    关于天空或 上部 区域

  • Three dimensional velocity structure feature in the crust and upper mantle beneath Chinese marginal seas and adjacent regions

    中国边缘海及邻 地壳和 地幔速度结构特征

  • Study of Mesoscale Eddies in the Subtropical Ocean of the Northwest-Pacific and Adjacent Area ; P wave velocity structure in the crust and upper mantle beneath northeastern South China Sea and surrounding regions

    西北太平洋副热带逆流区及其邻近海域中尺度涡研究南海东北部及其邻近 地区地壳 地幔P波速度结构

  • Sedimentary Characteristics and Age on the Dark Green Hard Soil Layer of the Upper Member of Upper Pleistocene in Shanghai and Adjacent Regions

    上海及邻 上更新统 上段暗绿色硬土层的沉积特征和年代

  • In this paper long-period P-waveforms have been used to study the upper mantle P-velocity structure of east and west regions in the northern margin of the Qinghai-Tibet plateau by matching synthetic seismograms .

    本文利用长周期P波波形资料,通过拟合理论地震图的方法研究了青藏高原北缘东侧区和西侧 上地幔P波速度结构。

  • This resulted in less heat being transported to the upper parts of the atmosphere as well as to other regions farther away from the wind farms .

    导致的原因是 上层大气 热量转移的减少和风力发电场远离较冷 地区

  • The results indicate that the continental crust and upper mantle exhibit significant differences in reflection characteristics which are related to tectonic units and regions .

    研究成果表明,大陆地壳和 地幔的反射特征具有显著的差异,这些差异反映了不同的构造单元和 状态

  • The other one is between the Upper Ordovician Terekawat Formation and the underlying formations which presents commonly as a parallel unconformity or an angular unconformity in some regions .

    其二,存在于 奥陶 统铁热克 阿瓦提组与下伏地层之间,主要为平行不整合,局部为角度不整合。

  • The purpose is principally for studying the structure of the crust and upper mantle which involves the earthquake source regions of this seismically active portion of the North China Plain .

    其目的主要是研究地震监视区和震源 地壳和 地幔结构。

  • P wave velocity structure in the crust and upper mantle beneath northeastern South China Sea and surrounding regions

    南海东北部及其邻近 地区地壳 地幔P波速度结构

  • The main treatments include to enhance dam system construction in gullies in the upper regions where is specialized with hilly and gully and implement comprehensive harness on the basis of small watershed unit ;

    主要治理对策是: 上游丘陵沟壑 ,开展以小流域为单元的综合治理,加强沟道坝系建设,拦蓄洪水泥沙;

  • Marine chemistry on the upper waters in the partial regions of the West equatorial Pacific

    赤道西太平洋部分 海域 上层海洋化学

  • The velocity structures of the upper mantle in the first two regions are somewhat similar in the characteristics of thin lithosphere and alternating distribution of high-and low-velocity layers which show some features of active tectonics .

    前二个 地区 上地幔的速度结构相似,不仅岩石层较薄,而且存在高低速度层的相间分布,表现出活动构造的特点;

  • The main results are as follows : 1.The velocity images display clearly the lateral heterogeneity of the crust and upper mantle beneath the Chinese continent and adjacent regions which persists down to at least 1100 km deep .

    主要结果是:1.本文给出的速度图象揭示了中国大陆及其邻近 地区 地壳和 地幔速度存在明显的横向不均匀性,这种不均匀性甚至在下地幔的1100km深度还依然存在。

  • The fractal structur features of the active faults in the upper reaches of the Qingjiang river and the adjacent regions western Hubei

    鄂西清江 上游及邻 活动断裂分形结构特征

  • A study on fine structure in the upper crust of Dukou and its adjacent regions

    渡口及其邻近 地区 地壳浅层结构的研究

  • In addition when the shelf saline water intruding there that make the difference of sedimento-dynamic process and sediment-grain distribution in spatial i.e. coarse fine and fairly coarse from upper to lower regions .

    陆架高盐海水入侵又使 伶仃洋内沉积动力过程在空间分布上发生差异,如沉积物分布有粗-细-稍粗之分;

  • Gives a fast border-deciding method for the two-dimensional linear discrete convolution . The convolution sum formula and its exact upper and lower borders of ten regions in the two-dimensional plane are also given .

    导出了二维离散线性卷积的快速定限求解方法给出了在二维平面的十个 区域中卷积的简便求和公式及卷积的 下限精确表达式。

  • The friction coefficients measured at different sites of upper and lower limbs were comparable . There are significant differences ( P0.005 ) in friction coefficient only on the hands and no differences on the other anatomical regions .

    在人体 、下肢不同部位,只有手掌部位皮肤与其它 部位 摩擦系数有显著性差异(P0.005);

  • The dynamic response to the heating imbalance is such as to converge heat into the upper troposphere of the desert regions .

    对这一加热不平衡的动力学响应结果导致热在 沙漠 地带 对流层 上部辐合。

  • The basalt eruption suggests that the fault zone reached deeply into the upper mantle and caused the mantle shear zone and shows important deep process information such as mantle metasomatism and mixed mantle regions .

    该玄武岩喷发不但反映了断裂带已深切 至上 地幔,出现了地幔剪切带,也显示地幔交代、混杂地幔 等重要的深部过程信息。

  • Waxy corn also called Chinese glutinous corn was originally produced in China and mainly distributed in the upper reaches of the Yangtze River in China including Yunnan Guizhou Sichuan Guangxi and the plain regions of the lower reaches including Shanghai Hangzhou and Huzhou .

    糯玉米(亦称中国糯玉米或蜡质玉米)原产我国,主要分布在中国长江 上游的滇、黔、川、桂山地及下游的沪与杭嘉湖平原 地区

  • Freshwater lamellibranchs from the upper Triassic of shanxi ( shensi ) and ningxia ( ninghsia ) regions north China

    陕西、宁夏 地区 三迭世淡水瓣鳃类化石

  • The interaction of the local circulation in some areas resulted in the complexity and variability of the temperature and salinity structure in the upper layer and the alternating distribution of cold and warm water regions ( blocks ) .

    局地环流的相互作用使得南海 上层海水温度、盐度结构复杂多变,冷、暖 水区(块)相间分布。

  • In deep distress he returned to the upper regions .

    他在深感懊恼下回到 上界

  • Application of Modulation and Displacement With Weak Gel in 2 + 3 Zones of the Upper Second Section of Shahejie Formation in Western Regions in Pucheng Oilfield

    弱凝胶调驱技术在濮城油 西区沙二 2+3层系的应用

  • Overview of Research on Anisotropy in the Upper Mantle and the Train of Thoughts of Researches in the Sichuan and Yunnan Regions

    上地幔各向异性研究综述及在川滇 地区的研究思路

  • The eddy kinetic energy produced mainly at upper level ( 300-100 mb ) and partly at lower-level was in a greater part transported out of all three studied regions to the surroundings .

    涡旋动能主要在 高层(300&100mb)和部分在低层制造,其中很大一部分被摩擦作用消耗,但同时也有相当一部分由三个研究 输送到周围环境。